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办公地点:安徽省合肥市包河区金寨路96号 中科大物质科研楼B 0915
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本课题组研究领域是凝聚态物理理论,主要研究新型量子物相 (如拓扑绝缘体/超导体、量子霍尔效应、高阶拓扑物态等),探讨其中新奇的量子效应、输运特性,以及在量子计算和电子器件等方面的应用。目前在相关领域已经取得多项创新成果,在 Nature Physics、Nature Materials、Physics Review Letters和Nature Commun.等期刊发表论文30多篇。
近期论文(完整论文列表请见 谷歌学术)
[1] S.-B. Zhang#, L.-H. Hu#, & T. Neupert, Finite-momentum Cooper pairing in proximitized altermagnets, Nature Commun. 15, 1801 (2024).
[2] M. Litskevich*, M. Hossain*, S.-B. Zhang* et al., Boundary modes of a charge density wave state in a topological material, Nature Physics (2024).
[3] M. Bahari, S.-B. Zhang, C. Li, S. Choi, P. Rüßmann, C. Timm, & B. Trauzettel, Helical topological superconducting pairing at finite excitation energies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 266201 (2024).
[4] T. Yoshida, S.-B. Zhang, T. Neupert, & N. Kawakami, Non-Hermitian Mott skin effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 266201 (2024).
[5] C.-A. Li, B. Trauzettel, T. Neupert, & S.-B. Zhang#, Enhancement of second-order non-Hermitian skin effect by magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 116601 (2023) [Editors‘ Suggestion].
[6] S.-B. Zhang#, X. Liu, M. Hossain, J.-X. Yin, Z. Hasan, & T. Neupert#, Emergent edge modes in shifted quasi-one-dimensional charge density waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 106203 (2023).
[7] S.-B. Zhang#, C.-A. Li, F. Peña-Benitez, P. Surówka, R. Moessner, L. Molenkamp, & B. Trauzettel, Super-resonant transport of topological surface states subjected to in-plane magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 076601 (2021).
[8] C.-A. Li#, S.-B. Zhang#, J. Li, & B. Trauzettel, Higher-order Fabry-Pérot interferometer from topological hinge states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 026803 (2021) [Cover Article].
[9] S.-B. Zhang and B. Trauzettel, Perfect crossed Andreev reflection in Dirac hybrid junctions in the quantum Hall regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 257701 (2019).
[10] S.-B. Zhang, J. Erdmenger, and B. Trauzettel, Chirality Josephson current due to a novel quantum anomaly in inversion-asymmetric Weyl semimetals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 226604 (2018).