陈志波  (教授)




毕业院校:Tsinghua University



Zhibo Chen is now a full professor, Director of Intelligent Media Computing Lab (IMCL) in University of Science and Technology of China. He received the B.Sc., and Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University respectively, with outstanding Ph.D thesis award. He has worked in SONY and Thomson before joining USTC. He used to be Principal Scientist, Distinguished Member of Thomson Fellowship and Research Manager in Thomson Research & Innovation Division.

His research interests focus on investigating artificial intelligence technique for advanced visual signal generation, representation, processing and coding, as well as in other interdisciplinary research fields. He has over 200 journal and conference publications (e.g., IEEE TPAMI, TIP, TCSVT, CVPR, AAAI, ACM-MM, IJCAI, ICME, ISCAS, ICIP, etc.), over 60 granted US/EU patent applications, some of his standard proposals have been adopted in MPEG/VCEG on video coding and ITU-T P.1202 on video quality assessment. His contribution of UMH Fast ME algorithm has been adopted by H.264 standard reference model, largely cited and widely used in real applications. He has won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award, the first prize of the Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of the Chinese Institute of Electronics Natural Science.

He is now Chair of Technical Committee of IEEE CASS Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC),  and he has served as TPC chair of Picture Coding Symposium 2019, member of Technical Committee of IEEE SP Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP TC), member of Technical Committee of IEEE CASS Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA), member of Technical Committee of IEEE CASS Circuits and Systems Education and Outreach (CASEO), member of ISCAS Review Committee from 2007 to 2019, Track chair of ISCAS from 2020 to 2023. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Circuit and System for Video Technology (TCSVT), Guest Editor of IEEE JSAC/IEEE OJCAS/IEEE JETCAS, Organization Committee member/Area Chair of IEEE ICME, IEEE ICIP, IEEE VCIP and PCS, etc.

Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1ayDJfsAAAAJ&hl=en 


Research activities and interests

[1] Visual Signal Coding and Processing

[2] Visual Signal Representation and Generation

[3] Visual Signal Quality Assessment

[4] Generative Models and its applications in interdisciplinary fields


Professional Association

  1. Chair of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC TC)

  2. Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Circuit and System for Video Technology (TCSVT)

  3. Corresponding Guest Editor of IEEE Journal on Emerging Technology of Circuits and Systems Special Issue on "Advance in Generative Visual Signal Coding and Processing"

  4. Corresponding Guest Editor of IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems Special Section on "Optimized Image/Video Coding based on Deep Learning"

  5. Member of Technical Committee of IEEE SP Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP TC) 

  6. Member of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Multimedia Systems and Applications (MSA TC)

  7. Member of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Education and Outreach (CASEO TC)

  8. Member of Image, Video, and Multimedia (IVM) Technical Committee of APSIPA (Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association)

  9. Track Chair of (IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems)ISCAS-2021/2022/2023/2024, RCM of ISCAS 2007~2024.

  10. Area Chair/TPC Member of IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing) 2010~2022

  11. Chair of Technical Program Committee of international Picture Coding Symposium 2019

  12. Guest Editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Section on "QoE-Aware Wireless Multimedia Systems"

  13. Member of Best Paper Selection Committee of IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing) 2012

  14. Chair Editor of IEEE MMTC E-Letter special issue on “Quality of Experience issues in media delivery”, 2011

  15. Organization Committee member, Chair of ICME 2011 Multimedia Standard, Services and QoE Track.



  1. First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Anhui Province (安徽省科技进步一等奖), 2022

  2. National Nature Science Award (Second Class) (国家自然科学二等奖)2018

  3. Ministry of Education Nature Science Award (First Class) (教育部自然科学一等奖) 2017

  4. Institute of Electronics Nature Science Award (First Class) (中国电子学会自然科学一等奖) 2015

  5. Special Class Prize of Teaching Achievements Award of Anhui Province(安徽省教学成果特等奖) 2019

  6. Best Paper Award, IEEE VCIP 2023

  7. ACM Multimedia Outstanding Reviewer Award 2019

  8. IEEE ICME Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020

  9. 1st place winner Award in the Blind Compressed Image Enhancement Challenge in CVPR 2024

  10. 1st place winner Award in the AIGC Video Quality Assessment Challenge in CVPR 2024

  11. 1st place winner Award in the Video Perception Track of 6th Challenge on Learned Image Compression in DCC 2024

  12. 1st place winner Award on "Perceptual Metric Track" of CVPR Challenge on Learned Image Compression Workshop-2022

  13. 1st place winner Award on "Perceptual Metric Track" of CVPR Challenge on Learned Image Compression Workshop-2021

  14. 1st place winner Award on "learning based image inpainting" Grand Challenge of IEEE ICME-2019

  15. 1st place winner Award on Youku Grand Challenge on "Video Enhancement and Super Resolution", 2019

  16. 1st place winner Award on "light field image coding" Grand Challenge of IEEE ICIP-2017

  17. IEEE CASS Outstanding Technical Committee Recognization Award, 2021



[1] Signal and System (in English)

[2] Basics of Video Technology

[3] Design and Innovation