的个人主页 http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/gaoankang/zh_CN/index.htm
Load modules
module load boost/1.74.0 fftw/3.2.2 zlib/1.2.9 flex/2.6.0 oneapi/2024.0.0 cmake/3.24.2
Clone code to the hpc;
git clone https://gitlab.nektar.info/gaoak/nektar.git nektar cd nektar mkdir build cd build
Download gsmpi-1.2.1_2.tar.bz2, scotch_6.0.4.tar.gz, tinyxml_2_6_2.tar.bz2, from https://www.nektar.info/thirdparty/. Put them in nektar/ThirdParty
in build, run cmake
make and install
make -j16 install
To submit job, use the script