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  洪勋,中国科学技术大学应用化学系教授、博士生导师。2004年毕业于中国科学技术大学物理系,获理学学士学位;2010年获得中国科学技术大学凝聚态物理博士学位,导师王冠中教授;2010年至2012年于清华大学化学系做博士后研究,合作导师李亚栋院士;2012年至2014年于新加坡南洋理工大学从事博士后研究,合作导师张华教授。截止目前,已在Nat. Synth., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater. PNAS 等学术期刊发表论文100余篇,他引12000余次。入选中国化学会2016-2018“青年人才托举工程”,2018年中科院青促会成员,2021年仲英青年学者,2022年中科院青促会优秀会员,2022年安徽省杰青,2022年教育部青年长江学者。



论文 (通讯作者):

48. Wu, B.; Liu, X.; Liu, P.; Wu, G.; Tian, L.; Han, X.; Li, J.; Hong, X. Synthesis of amorphous metal oxides via a crystalline to amorphous phase transition strategy. Nat. Synth. 2025. 4, 370-379.

47.  Liu, X.; Wu, G.; Han, X.; Wang, Y.; Wu, B.; Wang, G.; Mu, Y.; Hong, X. High-Entropy Metal Interstitials Activate TiO2 for Robust Catalytic Oxidation. Adv. Mater. 2025. 37, 2416749.

46. Hu, H.; Jiang, W.; Han, X.; Wu, G.; Wang, H.; Shi, Y.; He, D.; Ma, X.; Hong, X. Programmable Self-Assembly from Two-Dimensional Nanosheets to Spiral, Twisted and Branched Nanostructures. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025. 64, e202416624.

45. Zhang, S.; Han, X.; Liu, X.; Huang, Z.; Wang, P.; Sheng, S.; Wu, G.; He, J.; Guo, J.; Zheng, X.; Li, H.; Liu, J.; Hong, X. Amorphous-Crystalline Interface Induced Internal Electric Fields for Electrochromic Smart Window. Adv. Mater. 2024, 36 (47). 2410355.

44. Wang, H.; Sun, R.; Liu, P.; Hu, H.; Ling, C.; Han, X.; Shi, Y.; Zheng, X.; Wu, G.; Hong, X. Interstitial carbon induces enriched Cuδ+ sites in Cu2O nanoparticles to facilitate CO2 electroreduction to C2+ products. Nano Res. 2024, 17 (8), 7013-7019.

43. Yu, G.; Li, R.; Hu, Y.; Lin, X.; Lin, Z.; Wu, D.; Wang, G.; Hong, X. Supporting IrOx nanosheets on hollow TiO2 for highly efficient acidic water splitting. Nano Res. 2024, 17 (8),6903-6909.

42.   Han, X.; Wu, G.; He, D.; Hong, X. Single-element amorphous metals.  Interdiscip. Mater. 2024, 3 (4), 480-491.

41.   Du, J.; Liu, S.; Liu, Y.; Wu, G.; Liu, X.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Hong, X.; Li, Q.; Kang, L. One-Dimensional High-Entropy Compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 8464-8471.

40.    Li, J.; Wu, G.; Huang, Z.; Han, X.; Wu, B.; Liu, P.; Hu, H.; Yu, G.; Hong, X., Vertically Stacked Amorphous Ir/Ru/Ir Oxide Nanosheets for Boosted Acidic Water Splitting. JACS Au 2024, 4 (3), 1243-1249.

39.  Yu, G.; Li, R.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, X.; Wang, G.; Hong, X., Constructing high coordination number of Ir-O-Ru bonds in IrRuOx nanomeshes for highly stable acidic oxygen evolution reaction. Nano Res. 202417, 5073.

38.   Yu, J.; Wu, G.; Han, X.; Liu, P.; You, S.; Yang, Q.; Hong, X., Amorphous Gallium Oxide Nanosheets with Broad Absorption and Spin Polarization for Si-Based UV-Vis-NIR Photodetectors. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2024, 12 (11). 2302410.

37. Li, Y.; Yu, G.; Li, J.; Bian, Z.; Han, X.; Wu, B.; Wu, G.; Yang, Q.; Hong, X., Universal Synthesis of Amorphous Metal Oxide Nanomeshes. Small 2024, 2401162.

36.    Hu, Y.; Han, X.; Hu, S.; Yu, G.; Chao, T.; Wu, G.; Qu, Y.; Chen, C.; Liu, P.; Zheng, X.; Yang, Q.; Hong, X., Surface-Diffusion-Induced Amorphization of Pt Nanoparticles over Ru Oxide Boost Acidic Oxygen Evolution. Nano Lett. 2024, 24, 5324.

35.     Chao, T.; Luo, X.; Zhu, M.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Qu, Y.; Peng, H.; Shen, X.; Zheng, X.; Zhang, L.; Hong, X., The promoting effect of interstitial hydrogen on the oxygen reduction performance of PtPd alloy nanotubes for fuel cells. Nano Res. 2023, 16 (2), 2366-2372.

34.     Guo, Z.-Y.; Sun, R.; Huang, Z.; Han, X.; Wang, H.; Chen, C.; Liu, Y.-Q.; Zheng, X.; Zhang, W.; Hong, X.; Li, W.-W., Crystallinity engineering for overcoming the activity-stability tradeoff of spinel oxide in Fenton- like catalysis. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2023, 120 (15). e2220608120.

33.      Han, X.; Wu, G.; Zhao, S.; Guo, J.; Yan, M.; Hong, X.; Wang, D., Nanoscale high-entropy alloy for electrocatalysis. Matter 2023, 6 (6), 1717-1751.

32.   Hu, H.; Han, X.; Wu, G.; Ma, Z.; Wu, B.; Yan, M.; Lin, X.; Zheng, X.; Hong, X., Spiral Square Nanosheets Assembled from Ru Clusters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145 (22), 12148-12154.

31.     Pan, R.; Niu, S.; Huang, Z.; Li, Y.; Liu, P.; Han, X.; Wu, G.; Shi, Y.; Hu, H.; Sun, R.; Zheng, X.; Jin, H.; Chen, W.; Shi, Q.; Hong, X., Amorphization-Induced Cation Exchange in Indium Oxide Nanosheets for CO2-to-Ethanol Conversion. Nano Lett. 2023, 23 (21), 10004-10012.

30.  Sun, R.; Wei, C.; Huang, Z.; Niu, S.; Han, X.; Chen, C.; Wang, H.; Song, J.; Yi, J.-D.; Wu, G.; Rao, D.; Zheng, X.; Wu, Y.; Wang, G.; Hong, X., Cu2+1O/CuOx heterostructures promote the electrosynthesis of C2+ products from CO2Nano Res. 2023, 16 (4), 4698-4705.

29.    Wu, B.; Niu, S.; Wang, C.; Wu, G.; Zhang, Y.; Han, X.; Liu, P.; Lin, Y.; Yan, W.; Wang, G.; Hong, X., Amorphous Vanadium Oxide Nanosheets with Alterable Polyhedron Configuration for Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries. Small 2023, 19 (43). 2303360.

28.  Wu, B.; Du, J.; Wu, G.; Liu, P.; Sun, R.; Han, X.; Zheng, X.; Zhang, Q.; Hong, X. Amorphous strategy to nickel oxide nanosheets for highly active and selective hydrogenation reaction. Sci China Mater. 2023, 66(10), 3895-3900.

27.    Wu, G.; Han, X.; Hong, X., Order in disordered monolayer carbon. Matter 2023, 6 (8), 2488–2612.

26.     Wu, G.; Han, X.; Hong, X. Short-to-medium-range order in amorphous nanocatalysts. Mater. Today Catal. 20233, 100025.

25.     Du, J.; Huang, Y.; Huang, Z.; Wu, G.; Wu, B.; Han, X.; Chen, C.; Zheng, X.; Cui, P.; Wu, Y.; Jiang, J.; Hong, X., Reversing the Catalytic Selectivity of Single-Atom Ru via Support Amorphization. JACS Au 2022, 2 (5), 1078-1083.

24.   Han, X.; Wu, G.; Ge, Y.; Yang, S.; Rao, D.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Yan, M.; Zhang, H.; Gu, L.; Wu, Y.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, H.; Hong, X., In situ Observation of Structural Evolution and Phase Engineering of Amorphous Materials during Crystal Nucleation. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34 (50). 2206994.

23.     Li, R.; Yang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, G.; Wang, C.; Chen, C.; Wu, G.; Sun, R.; Wang, G.; Zheng, X.; Yan, W.; Wang, G.; Rao, D.; Hong, X., Short-range order in amorphous nickel oxide nanosheets enables selective and efficient electrochemical hydrogen peroxide production. Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2022, 3 (3). 100788.

22.   Liu, P.; Huang, Z.; Yang, S.; Du, J.; Zhang, Y.; Cao, R.; Chen, C.; Li, L.; Chen, T.; Wang, G.; Rao, D.; Zheng, X.; Hong, X., Support Amorphization Engineering Regulates Single-Atom Ru as an Electron Pump for Nitrogen Photofixation. ACS Catal. 2022, 12 (13), 8139-8146.

21.    Wu, G.; Han, X.; Cai, J.; Yin, P.; Cui, P.; Zheng, X.; Li, H.; Chen, C.; Wang, G.; Hong, X., In-plane strain engineering in ultrathin noble metal nanosheets boosts the intrinsic electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13 (1). 4200.

20.  Han, X.; Wu, G.; Du, J.; Pi, J.; Yan, M.; Hong, X., Metal and metal oxide amorphous nanomaterials towards electrochemical applications. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58 (2), 223-237.

19.     Du, J.; Wu, G.; Liang, K.; Yang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, Y.; Zheng, X.; Yu, Z.-Q.; Wu, Y.; Hong, X., Rapid Controllable Synthesis of Atomically Dispersed Co on Carbon under High Voltage within One Minute. Small 2021, 17 (6). 2007264.

18.   Hu, Y.; Zhu, M.; Luo, X.; Wu, G.; Chao, T.; Qu, Y.; Zhou, F.; Sun, R.; Han, X.; Li, H.; Jiang, B.; Wu, Y.; Hong, X., Coplanar Pt/C Nanomeshes with Ultrastable Oxygen Reduction Performance in Fuel Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60 (12), 6533-6538.

17.  Li, R.; Rao, D.; Zhou, J.; Wu, G.; Wang, G.; Zhu, Z.; Han, X.; Sun, R.; Li, H.; Wang, C.; Yan, W.; Zheng, X.; Cui, P.; Wu, Y.; Wang, G.; Hong, X., Amorphization-induced surface electronic states modulation of cobaltous oxide nanosheets for lithium-sulfur batteries. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12 (1). 3102.

16.  Chao, T.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, Y.; Zheng, X.; Qu, Y.; Xu, Q.; Hong, X., Atomically Dispersed Pt on Screw-like Pd/Au Core-shell Nanowires for Enhanced Electrocatalysis. Chem-Eur. J. 2020, 26 (18), 4019-4024.

15.     Sun, R.; Gao, J.; Wu, G.; Liu, P.; Guo, W.; Zhou, H.; Ge, J.; Hu, Y.; Xue, Z.; Li, H.; Cui, P.; Zheng, X.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, G.; Hong, X., Amorphous Metal Oxide Nanosheets Featuring Reversible Structure Transformations as Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes. Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2020, 1 (7). 100118.

14.     Sun, R.; Guo, W.; Han, X.; Hong, X., Two-dimensional Noble Metal Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis. Chem. J. Chinese U. 2020, 36 (4), 597-610.

13.    Wu, G.; Zheng, X.; Cui, P.; Jiang, H.; Wang, X.; Qu, Y.; Chen, W.; Lin, Y.; Li, H.; Han, X.; Hu, Y.; Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Ge, J.; Yao, Y.; Sun, R.; Wu, Y.; Gu, L.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., A general synthesis approach for amorphous noble metal nanosheets. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10. 4855.

12.     Chao, T.; Hu, Y.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Design of Noble Metal Electrocatalysts on an Atomic Level. ChemElectroChem 2019, 6 (2), 289-303.

11.     Ge, J.; Li, Z.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Surface Atomic Regulation of Core-Shell Noble Metal Catalysts. Chem-Eur. J. 2019, 25 (20), 5113-5127.

10.   Hu, Y.; Luo, X.; Wu, G.; Chao, T.; Li, Z.; Qu, Y.; Li, H.; Wu, Y.; Jiang, B.; Hong, X., Engineering the Atomic Layer of RuO2 on PdO Nanosheets Boosts Oxygen Evolution Catalysis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11 (45), 42298-42304.

9.    Jin, B.; Zhang, F.; Wu, G.; Yuan, T.; Wang, Q.; Zhou, H.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, G.; Hong, X., Structural evolution induced by Au atom diffusion in Ag2S. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55 (87), 13176-13178.

8.     Luo, Y.; Liu, Z.; Wu, G.; Wang, G.; Chao, T.; Li, H.; Liu, J.; Hong, X., Anisotropic Cu@Cu-BTC core-shell nanostructure for memory device. Chinese Chem. Lett. 2019, 30 (5), 1093-1096.

7.     Luo, Y.; Luo, X.; Wu, G.; Li, Z.; Wang, G.; Jiang, B.; Hu, Y.; Chao, T.; Ju, H.; Zhu, J.; Zhuang, Z.; Wu, Y.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Mesoporous Pd@Ru Core-Shell Nanorods for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Solution. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (40), 34147-34152.

6.   Lv, P.; Jin, B.; Mei, C.; Zhou, H.; Yuan, T.; Li, Z.; He, H.; Shen, X.; Hong, X., Pt9Ni Wavelike Nanowires with High Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reactions. Chem-Eur. J. 2018, 24 (55), 14636-14638.

5.    Ge, J.; Wei, P.; Wu, G.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, T.; Li, Z.; Qu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Li, H.; Zhuang, Z.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Ultrathin Palladium Nanomesh for Electrocatalysis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57 (13), 3435-3438.

4.    Chao, T.; Luo, X.; Chen, W.; Jiang, B.; Ge, J.; Lin, Y.; Wu, G.; Wang, X.; Hu, Y.; Zhuang, Z.; Wu, Y.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Atomically Dispersed Copper-Platinum Dual Sites Alloyed with Palladium Nanorings Catalyze the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (50), 16047-16051.

3.    Wu, G.; Chen, W.; Zheng, X.; He, D.; Luo, Y.; Wang, X.; Yang, J.; Wu, Y.; Yan, W.; Zhuang, Z.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Hierarchical Fe-doped NiOx nanotubes assembled from ultrathin nanosheets containing trivalent nickel for oxygen evolution reaction. Nano Energy 2017, 38, 167-174.

2.    Ge, J.; He, D.; Chen, W.; Ju, H.; Zhang, H.; Chao, T.; Wang, X.; You, R.; Lin, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, J.; Li, H.; Xiao, B.; Huang, W.; Wu, Y.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Atomically Dispersed Ru on Ultrathin Pd Nanoribbons. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (42), 13850-13853.

1.   Ge, J.; He, D.; Bai, L.; You, R.; Lu, H.; Lin, Y.; Tan, C.; Kang, Y.-B.; Xiao, B.; Wu, Y.; Deng, Z.; Huang, W.; Zhang, H.; Hong, X.; Li, Y., Ordered Porous Pd Octahedra Covered with Mono layer Ru Atoms. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (46), 14566-14569.

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