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在弦理论的研究中, 一个中心问题是研究弦紧化, 即从十维时空得到四维时空。六维的内禀空间包含了丰富的物理信息。保持超对称的解尤为重要。没有通量仍然保持超对称的就是Calabi-Yau流形。带通量的超对称解,人们可用广义Calabi-Yau结构刻化。我们提出带通量解模空间的特殊几何。

Hu Sen; Hou Boyu; Yang Yanhong, On special geometry of the moduli space of string vacua with fluxes, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, 2006, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 2006-8.  

In Li-Sheng Tseng and Shing-Tung Yau, Generalized Cohomologies and Supersymmetry (Arxiv 1111.6968), The presence of branes sources present another subtlety which we have ignored. Because branes are represented by singular currents in the equations, all geometrical quantities necessarily becomes singular on the support of the branes. The type of cohomologies characterizing the moduli should rigorously be those with compact support and vanishing along the branes. Such an approach has been discussed in [13, 上文].


Chun-lei He, Sen Hu, De-Xing Kong, Kefeng Liu, Generalized Ricci flow I: Local existence and uniqueness,  Proceedings of Nankai International Conference in Memory of Xiao-Song Lin, 27-31 July 2007.