Jiang Tianxi
- Special Associate Researcher
- Name (English):Tianxi Jiang
- Name (Pinyin):Jiang Tianxi
- E-Mail:
- Business Address:西区力五楼709
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Special Associate Researcher
- Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
- Teacher College:Engineering Science
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主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目、全国重点实验室开放基金等项目。以第一/通讯作者身份在Nature Communications、Cell Reports Physical Science、Physical Review Applied等高水平期刊发表论文十余篇。研究成果获欧洲科学院院士、美国发明家科学院院士、IEEE Fellow等国际知名学者的正面引用与评价。
[1] T. Jiang, C. Li, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Randomized resonant metamaterials for single-sensor identification of elastic vibrations, Nature Communications, 11: 2353 (2020).
[2] T. Jiang#, X. Liao#, H. Huang, Z. K. Peng, and Q. He*, Scattering-coded architectured boundary for computational sensing of elastic waves, Cell Reports Physical Science, 3(6):100918 (2022).
[3] T. Jiang, T. Li, H. Huang, Z. K. Peng, and Q. He*, Metamaterial-based analog recurrent neural network towards machine intelligence, Physical Review Applied, 19(6): 064065 (2023).
[4] T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Proposal for the realization of a single-detector acoustic camera using a space-coiling anisotropic metamaterial, Physical Review Applied, 11(3): 034013 (2019).
[5] T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Enhanced directional acoustic sensing with phononic crystal cavity resonance, Applied Physics Letters, 112(26): 261902 (2018).
[6] T. Jiang and Q. He*, Dual-directionally tunable metamaterial for low-frequency vibration isolation, Applied Physics Letters, 110(2): 021907 (2017).
- Frontiers in Physics, Review Editor
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Review Editor
Frontiers in Materials, Research Topic "Acoustic and Mechanical Metamaterials for Various Applications (Volume II)", Topic Coordinators
Applied Science, Special Issue "Advances in Metamaterials for Sound and Vibration Control", Guest Editor
The 6th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control (ICDVC 2022+1), Session Chair
中国科学技术大学 | 测控技术与仪器 | 学士
中国科学技术大学 | 仪器科学与技术 | 博士
上海交通大学 | 博士后/助理研究员
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