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- [11] 111.刘云杰 ,孔燕.伦理敏感性影响因素分析.西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2024,2024(06)95-102..
- [12] 110. Xie, Yu;Kong, Yan。Elasticsearch topic in cyber-psychology along the past decade: A text mining analysis.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY,2023,2023(58)961-961.
- [13] 109.Wang, Will B.;Fu, Haojie;Kong, Yan. PSS and GWB of adolescents in worst-stricken areas 10 years after quake: A mediating role of resilience.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY,2023,(2023(58)):573-573.
- [14] 108.Li, Yuling;Kong, Yan.The impact of school belonging to high school students' STEM career interest.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY,2024,2024(59)178-178.
- [15] 107.Kong, Yan;Hon, Yiu Chung B.;Zheng, Zimu.Modification of MI theory for better identification of mathematically gifted children.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY,2024,2024(59)286-286.
- [16] 106. 彭玥,孔燕*.人工智能伦理原则的实践进路——基于德国人工智能伦理标签的启示.自然辩证法研究,2024,(2024,40(02)):89-95,CSSCI/AMI/北大核心.
- [17] 105.丁飞,“负责任创新”还是“负责任停滞”?——基于列维纳斯他者伦理的考察.科学技术哲学研究,2023,(2023,40(05)):122-127,CSSCI/AMI/北大核心.
- [18] 104.刘成科,孔燕*.翻译技术伦理的本质追问及基本向度.外语学刊,2023,(2023(05)):79-85,CSSCI扩展/AMI/北大核心.
- [19] 103王斌,孔燕*. 技术恐惧的演变规律分析.东北大学学报(社会科学版),2023,2023,25(4)8-14,CSSCI/AMI/北大核心.
- [20] 102. Huan Liu, Ningying Zhou, Zhiqing Zhou, Xiubin Tao, Yan Kong, Ming Zhang,PTSD and its relationship with the Fear of COVID-19 and COVID-19 burden among health care workers after the full liberalization of COVID-19 prevention and control policy in China: a cross-sectional study.BMC Psychiatry,2023,