Qian Niu
- Gender:
- Name (Pinyin):Qian Niu
- E-Mail:
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:University of Washington, Seattle
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

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- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
- Honorary Adjunct Professors at the Institute of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, and Shanxi University in China
- Outstanding Overseas Young Scientist (1999, Natural Science Foundation of China)
- Wang Kuan Cheng Research Award (1997)
- NIST Precision Measurement Award (1992-1995)
- Trull Centennial Fellowship (1990-1992)
- Blumberg Fellowship (1992-1993)
- Trull Centennial Professorship (2001-)
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1. Ph. D. Physics, University of Washington (1985). D. J. Thouless, Advisor
2. M. S. Physics, University of Washington (1983)
3. B. S. Physics, Peking University (1981)

1.Distinguished Chair Professor, University of Science and Technology of China (2021-)
2.Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair in Physics, University of Texas (2019-2021)
3.Trull Centennial Professor, University of Texas (2001-2018).
4.Assistant and Associate Professor, University of Texas (1990-2001).
5.Visiting Scientist, UC Santa Barbara (1988-1990).
6.Research Associate, University of Illinois (1985--1987).

1.Name of Research Group:Prof. Qian Niu's ...
Description of Research Group:Welcome to the Niu Group: a condensed matter theory group led by Prof. Qian Niu.
Our research topics cover:
Berry phase in condensed matter physics
Physics of graphene
Nanostructures and quantum devices
Semiclassical theory of Bloch electrons
Transport in magnetic systems
Anomalous Hall effect
Bose-Einstein condensation