Yang Mingmin
- Researcher
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):Yang Mingmin
- E-Mail:
- Administrative Position:研究员
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:合肥实验室科研楼A-630
- Contact Information:mmyang2022@ustc.edu.cn
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Researcher
- Alma Mater:英国华威大学(University of Warwick)
- Teacher College:School of emerging technology
- Discipline:Physics
Materials Science and Engineering

- Email:
- Research Focus
本课题组专注于设计和构建新型多功能功能材料与器件,主要是具有极性机构的绝缘材料、半导体材料和金属材料,以此开发和研究新型能量转换和信息传导机制,探索这些效应在信息通讯、绿色能源以及物性表征方面的应用。目前已经成功研发了多种新型物理效应,相关成果发表于Nature、Science、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Materials等高水平期刊。课题组的研究课题有(见下图):
· 极性金属材料的非线性输运与器件研究;
· 基于异质结界面的新型能量转换效应研究;
· 极性半导体材料光电效应与多功能器件研究;
· 高灵敏度测试系统开发。
1. Ming-Min Yang, Tian-Yuan Zhu, Arne Benjamin Renz, He-Meng Sun, Shi Liu, Peter Michael Gammon & Marin Alexe, “Auxetic piezoelectric effect in heterostructures”, Nature Materials 23, 95-100 (2024).
2. Yu Dong#, Ming-Min Yang#, Mao Yoshii, Satoshi Matsuoka, Sota Kitamura, Tatsuo Hasegawa, Naoki Ogawa, Takahiro Morimoto, Toshiya Ideue, Yoshihiro Iwasa, “Observation of giant bulk piezophotovoltaic effect in 3R-MoS2” Nature Nanotechnology 18, 36-41(2023, #co-first author)
3. Ming-Min Yang, Zheng-Dong Luo, Zhou Mi, Jinjin Zhao, Sharel Pei E, Marin Alexe, “Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Effects Induced by Interface Polar Symmetry” Nature 583, 377 (2020)
4. Ming-Min Yang, Marin Alexe, “Solar Energy Harvested with Nanotubes”, Nature 570, 310 (2019).
5. Ming-Min Yang, Affan N. Iqbal, Jonathan J. P. Peter, Ana M. Sanchez, Marin Alexe, “Strain-Gradient Mediated Local Conduction in Strained Bismuth Ferrite Films”, Nature Communications 10, 2791 (2019).
6. Ming-Min Yang#, Dong-Jik Kim#, Marin Alexe, “Flexo-photovoltaic Effect”, Science 360, 904 (2018) (#co-first author).
7. Ming-Min Yang, Marin Alexe, “Light-induced Reversible Control of Ferroelectric Polarization in BiFeO3”, Advanced Materials 30, 1704908 (2018).
8. Ming-Min Yang, Marin Alexe, Chapter “Photoelectric Effects at Domain Walls” in “Domain Walls: from fundamental properties to nanotechnology concepts”, Oxford University Press, 2020 (ISBN-10: 0198862490)