1、开展超冷原子量子纠缠和量子模拟研究:产生了600对原子比特的纠缠(Nature Physics 2016, PRL 2023)并首次实验研究了超冷原子光晶格体系中四体交换相互作用及其任意子激发特性(Nature Physics 2017);提出并实现晶格中超流-绝缘态交错浸润的深度冷却机制并制备1000多对保真度99.3%的原子纠缠态(Science 2020);实现当时最大的71格点超冷原子量子模拟器并对一维格点规范场问题进行了研究(Nature 2020);揭示格点规范理论的热化动力学性质(Science 2022, PRL 2023);
2、研究冷原子量子存储技术,并应用到确定性单光子源的制备,推动量子信息处理发展(Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006);实现量子中继器基本节点,向远距离量子通信迈出重要一步(Nature 2008,入选欧洲物理学会年度“重大研究进展”,并被评为2008年度中国“十大科技进展新闻”);
3、首次实现6光子纠缠态并研究其在单向量子计算中的应用(Nature Physics 2007,入选了2007年度“中国十大科技进展新闻”和中国高等学校“十大科技进展”)和基于量子存储的量子隐形传态(Nature Physics 2007),推进量子计算和量子网络基本技术;
4、使用高能电子碰撞方法研究了氦原子双电子激发态的动力学关联,首次观测到此类激发的动量转移依赖特性,深入理解双电子关联性质(Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003);
1. Han-Ning Dai et al. Four-body ring-exchange interactions and anyonic statistics within a minimal toric-code hamiltonian. Nature Physics, 13(12):1195–1200, 2017.
2. Bing Yang et al. Cooling and entangling ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Science, 369(6503):550–553, 2020.
3. Bing Yang et al. Observation of gauge invariance in a 71-site bose–hubbard quantum simulator. Nature, 587(7834):392–396, 2020.
4. Zhao-Yu Zhou et al. Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator. Science, 377(6603):311–314, 2022.
5. Han-Yi Wang et al. Interrelated thermalization and quantum criticality in a lattice gauge
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6. Shuai Chen et al. Deterministic and storable single-photon source based on a quantum memory. Physical Review Letters, 97(17):173004, 2006.
7. Han-Ning Dai et al. Generation and detection of atomic spin entanglement in optical lattices. Nature Physics, 12:783–787, 2016.
8. Wei-Yong Zhang et al. Scalable multipartite entanglement created by spin exchange in an optical lattice. Physical Review Letters, 131(7):073401, 2023.
9. Zhen-Sheng Yuan et al. Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node. Nature, 454(7208):1098–1101, 2008.
10. Zhen-Sheng Yuan et al. Entangled photons and quantum communication. Physics Reports, 497(1):1–40, 2010.
11. Xiao-Jing Liu et al. Dynamical correlation in double excitations of helium studied by high-resolution and angular-resolved fast-electron energy-loss spectroscopy in absolute measurements. Physical Review Letters, 91(19):193203, 2003.
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