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余昊,中共党员,工程科学学院近代力学系,长聘副教授,中国科学技术大学博士后联谊会理事长。 1995年2月出生于安徽省宿州市萧县,2016年6月获得大连理工大学工程力学学士学位,2021年6月获得中国科学技术大学固体力学博士学位(导师:吴恒安教授)。2023年6月博士后(合作导师:刘合院士)出站任副研究员(特任),2024年3月获聘副教授(长聘)。获得安徽省力学科技进步特等奖(2024,排名第2)、中国力学学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖(2022)、中国科学院院长奖(2021),入选全球前2%顶尖科学家(2024)、小米青年学者(2023)、博士后创新人才支持计划(2021),担任安徽省力学学会理事(2024-)、《计算力学学报》青年编委(2024-)。主要研究方向:计算力学数值方法及其在深部油气资源开发中的应用,以一作/通讯在《Science Advances》、《PNAS》、《Adv. Mater.》、《Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.》、《Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng.》、《Int. J. Eng. Sci.》、《Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.》、《Eng. Fract. Mech.》、《Phys. Fluids》、《Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer》、《Energy》、《Appl. Energy》等国际期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,ESI高被引论文2篇(均为第一作者),期刊封面论文4篇,《Energy & Fuels》期刊年度最具影响力论文1篇,获得学术引用2400余次(H因子30,6篇引用过百次)。授权发明专利3项,登记软件著作权12项,作为指导老师获得挑战杯“揭榜挂帅”专项赛全国特等奖、承担中国科学技术大学“雄鹰基金”原创课题,负责中国科学技术大学“睿轮先锋”极客中心。
66. FengYu Cheng, Hao Yu*, Quan Wang, HanWei Huang, WenLong Xu, HengAn Wu*. Global-local adaptive meshing method for phase-field fracture modeling. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2025, 438(Part A), 117846.
65. HanWei Huang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, Quan Wang, HengAn Wu*. A thermo-mechanical localizing gradient damage model with modified mazars strain. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2025, 126(2), e7652.
64. JiaXuan Chen, Hao Yu*, Bo Li, HouLin Zhang, Xu Jin, SiWei Meng*, He Liu, HengAn Wu. DeepONet-embedded physics-informed neural network for production prediction of multiscale shale matrix–fracture system. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37, 016608.
63. Kangru Cheng#, Wenlong Xu#, Hao Wu*, Bowen Chen, Haoxiang Yang, Zehang Cui, Hao Yu, Zilong Cheng, Yanlei Hu, Jiawen Li, Hongyuan Jiang, Jiaru Chu, and Dong Wu*. Light-triggered droplet gating strategy based on janus membrane fabricated by femtosecond laser. ACS Nano 2024, 18(47), 32481-32490.
62. ZiHan Zhang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, Quan Wang, SiWei Meng*, Xu Jin, He Liu, HengAn Wu. Far-field reactivation of natural fractures by stress shadow effect. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2024, 311, 110596.
61. Zhao Zhang*, Hao Yu, Hengan Wu, Qingpeng Chen. A simultaneous shape and topology optimization approach of shell structures based on isogeometric analysis and density distribution field. Computers & Structures 2024, 305, 107550.
60. Qinghai Yang, Chenglong Liao, Wenlong Xu, Zhongxian Hao, Xiaohan Pei, Deli Jia, Qiaochu Shen, Hao Yu, Hengan Wu, and He Liu*. A novel downhole communication strategy using loading wave conduction on sucker-rod pumping system for intelligent lifting. SPE Journal 2024, 29(11), 6198-6216.
59. Xiao Ke#, Quan Wang#, Hao Yu*, XiuYuan Chen, YiLun Zhong, YingQi Li*, and HengAn Wu. Multiwell fracturing characteristic in layered heterogeneous formation and the optimization of stimulated reservoir volume. Energy & Fuels 2024, 38(14), 12754-12776. (封面论文)
58. YiLun Zhong, Hao Yu*, Quan Wang, XiuYuan Chen, Xiao Ke, HanWei Huang, HengAn Wu. Hydraulic fracturing in layered heterogeneous shale: The interaction between adjacent weak interfaces. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2024, 303, 110115.
57. ChengSi Lyu, Hao Yu*, Juan Jin, WenLong Xu, HanWei Huang, JiaNing Zhang, Quan Wang, JianDong Liu, WeiDong Jiang, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. Multiphysics phase-field modeling for thermal cracking and permeability evolution in oil shale matrix during in-situ conversion process. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2024, 176, 105720.
56. Bo Li, Hao Yu*, DongQi Ji, FengChao Wang, ZhengDong Lei*, and HengAn Wu. Pore-scale imbibition patterns in layered porous media with fractures. Physics of Fluids 2024, 36, 012120.
55. Quan Wang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, HanWei Huang, FanDing Li, HengAn Wu. How does the heterogeneous interface influence hydraulic fracturing? International Journal of Engineering Science 2024, 195, 104000.
54. HouLin Zhang, Hao Yu*, Quan Wang, WenLong Xu, MengCheng Huang, FanDing Li, HengAn Wu*. How to achieve the fast computation for voxel-based irregular structures by few finite elements? Extreme Mechanics Letters 2023, 65, 102103.
53. Bo Li, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, HanWei Huang, MengCheng Huang, SiWei Meng*, He Liu, HengAn Wu. A multi-physics coupled multi-scale transport model for CO2 sequestration and enhanced recovery in shale formation with fractal fracture networks. Energy 2023, 284, 129285.
52. Shaojun Jiang, Bo Li, Jun Zhao, Dong Wu*, Yiyuan Zhang, Zhipeng Zhao, Yiyuan Zhang, Hao Yu, Kexiang Shao, Cong Zhang, Rui Li, Chao Chen, Zuojun Shen, Jie Hu, Bin Dong, Ling Zhu, Jiawen Li, Liqiu Wang*, Jiaru Chu & Yanlei Hu*. Magnetic Janus origami robot for cross-scale droplet omni-manipulation. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 5455.
51. MengCheng Huang, Hao Yu*, HengYu Xu, HouLin Zhang, XiangYu Hong, HengAn Wu. Fast and accurate calculation on CO2/CH4 competitive adsorption in shale nanopores: From molecular kinetic theory to machine learning model. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 474, 145562.
50. Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, Bo Li, HanWei Huang, Marembo Micheal, Quan Wang, MengCheng Huang, SiWei Meng*, He Liu, and HengAn Wu. Hydraulic fracturing and enhanced recovery in shale reservoirs: Theoretical analysis to engineering applications. Energy & Fuels 2023, 37(14), 9956-9997.(ESI高被引论文)
49. Marembo Micheal, Hao Yu*, SiWei Meng, WenLong Xu, HanWei Huang, MengCheng Huang, HouLin Zhang, He Liu, HengAn Wu. Gas production from shale reservoirs with bifurcating fractures: A modified quadruple-domain model coupling microseismic events. Energy 2023, 278, 127780.
48. FanDing Li, XueDong Chen, Peng Xu, ZhiChao Fan, Quan Wang, ChengSi Lyu, Qian Zhang, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu. Optimal design of thin-layered composites for type IV vessels: Finite element analysis enhanced by ANN. Thin-Walled Structures 2023, 187, 110752.
47. Quan Wang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, ChengSi Lyu, JiaNing Zhang, Marembo Micheal, HengAn Wu*. Spatial and temporal constraints of the cohesive modeling: A unified criterion for fluid-driven fracture. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2023, 124(12), 2756-2782.(封面论文)
46. HanWei Huang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, ChengSi Lv, Marembo Micheal, HengYu Xu, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical model for production performance of oil shale reservoirs during in-situ conversion process. Energy 2023, 268, 126700.
45. Geng Di Sia#, XiangYu Hong#, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu, Yew Mun Hung*. Preservable superhydrophilicity of thermally cured graphene-nanoplatelets/epoxy nanocomposite coatings. Composites Part B: Engineering 2023, 252, 110500.
44. Hao Wu#, Yiyu Chen#, Wenlong Xu, Chen Xin, Tao Wu, Wei Feng, Hao Yu, Chao Chen, Shaojun Jiang, Yachao Zhang, Xiaojie Wang, Minghui Duan, Cong Zhang, Shunli Liu, Dawei Wang, Yanlei Hu, Jiawen Li, Erqiang Li, HengAn Wu, Jiaru Chu & Dong Wu*. High-performance Marangoni hydrogel rotors with asymmetric porosity and drag reduction profile. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 20.
43. XiangYu Hong, HengYu Xu, Hao Yu, Xu Jin*, He Liu, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu*. Molecular understanding on migration and recovery of shale gas/oil mixture through a pore throat. Energy & Fuels 2023, 37(1), 310-318.
42. WenLong Xu, Hao Yu*, Marembo Micheal, HanWei Huang, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. An integrated model for fracture propagation and production performance of thermal enhanced shale gas recovery. Energy 2023, 263(Part A), 125682.
41. Ving Onn Ng#, XiangYu Hong#, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu, Yew Mun Hung*. Anomalously enhanced thermal performance of micro heat pipes coated with heterogeneous superwettable graphene nanostructures. Applied Energy 2022, 326, 119994.
40. HouLin Zhang, Hao Yu*, SiWei Meng, MengCheng Huang, Marembo Micheal, Jian Su, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. Fast and accurate reconstruction of large-scale 3D porous media using deep learning. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 217, 110937.
39. WenLong Xu, Hao Yu*, JiaNing Zhang, ChengSi Lyu, Quan Wang, Marembo Micheal, HengAn Wu*. Phase-field method of crack branching during SC-CO2 fracturing: A new energy release rate criterion coupling pore pressure gradient. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022, 399, 115366.
38. JiaNing Zhang, Hao Yu*, WenLong Xu, ChengSi Lv, Marembo Micheal, Fang Shi, HengAn Wu*. A hybrid numerical approach for hydraulic fracturing in a naturally fractured formation combining the XFEM and phase-field model. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2022, 271, 108621.
37. XinHeng Yuan, Hao Yu, HouLin Zhang, Li Zheng, ErBao Dong* and HengAn Wu*. A multi-scale grasp detector based on fully matching model. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2022, 133(2), 281-301.
36. MengCheng Huang#, HengYu Xu#, Hao Yu*, HouLin Zhang, Marembo Micheal, XinHeng Yuan, HengAn Wu*. Fast prediction of methane adsorption in shale nanopores using kinetic theory and machine learning algorithm. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 446, 137221.
35. XiangYu Hong, HaoYu, HengYu Xu, XiaoQi Wang, Xu Jin, HengAn Wu*, FengChao Wang*. Competitive adsorption of asphaltene and n-heptane on quartz surfaces and its effect on crude oil transport through nanopores. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022, 359, 119312.
34. Chun Wang, HengYu Xu, Han Cheng, Hao Yu, Si Liu, WenJie Wang, RuiLin Yuan, HongFei Liu, TianPei Zhou, WangSheng Chu, HengAn Wu, Yi Xie & Changzheng Wu*. Interfacial ion regulation on 2D layered double hydroxide nanosheets for enhanced thermal insulation. Science China Chemistry 2022, 65(5), 898-904.
33. Gang Cao, JiaNing Zhang, Yanbao Guo, Chuang Liu, Marembo Micheal, ChengSi Lv, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu. Numerical modeling on friction and wear behaviors of all-metal progressive cavity pump. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 2013, 110443.
32. Marembo Micheal, WenLong Xu, Juan Jin, Hao Yu*, JianDong Liu, WeiDong Jiang*, He Liu, HengAn Wu. A multi-scale quadruple-continuum model for production evaluation of shale gas reservoirs considering complex gas transfer mechanisms and geomechanics. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 213, 110419.
31. JiaNing Zhang, Hao Yu, Quan Wang, ChengSi Lv, Chuang Liu, Fang Shi, HengAn Wu*. Hydraulic fracture propagation at weak interfaces between contrasting layers in shale using XFEM with energy-based criterion. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2022, 101, 104502.
30. Jun Lu#, Hengyu Xu#, Hao Yu#, Xiaoyi Hu#, Jun Xia, Yinlong Zhu, Fengchao Wang, Heng-An Wu*, Lei Jiang, Huanting Wang*. Ultrafast rectifying counter-directional transport of proton and metal ions in metal-organic framework-based nanochannels. Science Advances 2022, 8(14), eabl5070.(美国科学促进会亮点报道)
29. HengYu Xu, Hao Yu*, JingCun Fan, Jun Xia, He Liu, HengAn Wu*, Formation mechanism and structural characteristic of pore-networks in shale kerogen during in-situ conversion process. Energy 2022, 242, 122992.
28. Edmund Lim#, XiangYu Hong#, Ming Kwang Tan, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu, Yew Mun Hung*. Distinctive evaporation characteristics of water and ethanol on graphene nanostructured surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, 183, 119687.
27. HouLin Zhang, Hao Yu*, XinHeng Yuan, HengYu Xu, Marembo Micheal, JiaNing Zhang, HongLin Shu, GaoCheng Wang, HengAn Wu*. Permeability prediction of low-resolution porous media images using autoencoder-based convolutional neural network. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2022, 108, 109589.
26. Han Cheng#, Renjie Gui#, Hao Yu#, Chun Wang, Si Liu, Hongfei Liu, Tianpei Zhou, Nan Zhang, Xusheng Zheng, Wangsheng Chu, Yue Lin, HengAn Wu, Changzheng Wu*, and Yi Xie. Subsize pt-based intermetallic enables long-term cyclic mass activity for fuel-cell oxygen reduction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2021, 118(35), e2104026118. (学术引用130次)
25. Marembo Micheal#, WenLong Xu#, HengYu Xu, JiaNing Zhang, HongJie Jin, Hao Yu*, HengAn Wu*. Multi-scale modelling of gas transport and production evaluation in shale reservoir considering crisscrossing fractures. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2021, 95, 104156.
24. Quan Wang, WuJun Yin, Hao Yu, YinBo Zhu*, and HengAn Wu*. Hyperbolic-like structure with negative poisson's ratio: deformation mechanism and structural design. Physica Status Solidi B 2021, 258(10), 2100011.
23. Ving Onn Ng#, Hao Yu#, HengAn Wu, Yew Mun Hung*. Thermal performance enhancement and optimization of two-phase closed thermosyphon with graphene-nanoplatelets coatings. Energy Conversion and Management 2021, 236, 114039.
22. 洪祥宇,徐亨宇,崔风路,余昊,吴一宁,吴恒安,王奉超*. 分子模拟在非常规油气开发中的应用. 计算力学学报 2021, 38(3), 313-320.
21. HengYu Xu, Hao Yu*, JingCun Fan, Jun Xia, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu. Enhanced gas recovery in kerogen pyrolytic pore network: molecular simulations and theoretical analysis. Energy & Fuels 2021, 35(3), 2253-2267. (中国非常规油气研究进展专辑)
20. Xiaofang Chen, Yin-Bo Zhu, Hao Yu, Jefferson Zhe Liu, Christopher D. Easton, Zhouyou Wang, Yaoxin Hu Zongli Xie, Heng-An Wu, Xiwang Zhang, Dan Li, Huanting Wang*. Ultrafast water evaporation through graphene membranes with subnanometer pores for desalination. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 621, 118934.
19. Hao Yu#, HengYu Xu#, JingCun Fan, Yin-Bo Zhu, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu*. Transport of shale gas in microporous/nanoporous media: molecular to pore-scale simulations. Energy & Fuels 2021, 35(2), 911-943. (封面论文,ESI高被引,学术引用160次)
18. Hao Yu, HengYu Xu, Jun Xia, JingCun Fan, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu*. Nanoconfined transport characteristic of methane in organic shale nanopores: the applicability of the continuous model. Energy & Fuels 2020, 34(8), 9552-9562.
17. Fang Sheng Lim, Sin Tee Tan, Yuanmin Zhu, Jhih-Wei Chen, Bao Wu, Hao Yu, Jung-Mu Kim Riski Titian Ginting, Kam Sheng Lau, Chin Hua Chia, HengAn Wu, Meng Gu, and Wei Sea Chang*. Tunable plasmon-induced charge transport and photon absorption of bimetallic au–ag nanoparticles on zno photoanode for photoelectrochemical enhancement under visible light. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124(26), 14105-14117.
16. Tze Cheng Kueh#, Hao Yu#, Ai Kah Soh, Heng An Wu* and Yew Mun Hung*. Influence of substrate on ultrafast water transport property of multilayer graphene coatings. Nanotechnology 2020, 31(37), 375704.
15. Jie Sheng Gan#, Hao Yu#, Ming Kwang Tan, Ai Kah Soh, Heng An Wu*, Yew Mun Hung*. Performance enhancement of graphene-coated micro heat pipes for light-emitting diode cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2020, 154, 119687.
14. Hao Yu, HengYu Xu, JingCun Fan, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu*. Roughness factor-dependent transport characteristic of shale gas through amorphous kerogen nanopores. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124(23), 12752-12765.(封面论文)
13. Xingya Li#, Huacheng Zhang*,#, Hao Yu#, Jun Xia, YinBo Zhu, HengAn Wu*, Jue Hou Jun Lu, Ranwen Ou, Christopher D Easton, Cordelia Selomulya, Matthew R Hill, Lei Jiang, and Huanting Wang*. Unidirectional and selective proton transport in artificial heterostructured nanochannels with nano-to-subnano confined water clusters. Advanced Materials 2020, 32(24), 2001777.
12. Chuang Liu, JiaNing Zhang, Hao Yu, Jie Chen, DeTang Lu, HengAn Wu*. New insights of natural fractures growth and stimulation optimization based on a three-dimensional cohesive zone model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2020, 76, 103165.
11. HengYu Xu, Hao Yu*, JingCun Fan, YinBo Zhu, FengChao Wang, and HengAn Wu*. Two-phase transport characteristic of shale gas and water through hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanopores. Energy & Fuels 2020, 34(4), 4407-4420.(期刊年度最具影响力论文)
10. Hao Yu, JingCun Fan, Jun Xia, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. Multiscale gas transport behavior in heterogeneous shale matrix consisting of organic and inorganic nanopores. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2020, 75, 103139.
9. Tianpei Zhou#, Huan Shan#, Hao Yu#, Cheng'an Zhong, Jiankai Ge, Nan Zhang, Wangsheng Chu, Wensheng Yan, Qian Xu, Heng'an Wu, Changzheng Wu*, and Yi Xie. Nanopore confinement of electrocatalysts optimizing triple transport for an ultrahigh-power-density zinc-air fuel cell with robust stability. Advanced Materials 2020, 32(47), 2003251. (学术引用137次)
8. Yuqi Wu, Pejman Tahmasebi*, Hao Yu, Chengyan Lin*, HengAn Wu, and Chunmei Dong. Pore-scale 3d dynamic modeling and characterization of shale samples: considering the effects of thermal maturation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2020, 125(1), e2019JB018309.
7. Hao Yu#, YinBo Zhu#, Xu Jin*, He Liu, HengAn Wu*. Multiscale simulations of shale gas transport in micro/nano-porous shale matrix considering pore structure influence. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2019, 64, 28-40. (学术引用156次)
6. Wei Li Tong, Yew Mun Hung*, Hao Yu, Ming Kwang Tan, Boon Thiam Ng, Boon Thong Tan, Heng An Wu, and Ai Kah Soh. Ultrafast water permeation in graphene nanostructures anomalously enhances two-phase heat transfer. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5(13), 1800286.
5. XiangZhe Li, JingCun Fan, Hao Yu, YinBo Zhu*, HengAn Wu*. Lattice Boltzmann method simulations about shale gas flow in contracting nano-channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2018, 122, 1210-1221.
4. Hao Yu, JingCun Fan, Jie Chen, YinBo Zhu, HengAn Wu*. Pressure-dependent transport characteristic of methane gas in slit nanopores. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2018, 123, 657-667. (学术引用105次)
3. Jie Chen, Hao Yu, Jingcun Fan, Fengchao Wang*, Detang Lu, He Liu, and Hengan Wu. Channel-width dependent pressure-driven flow characteristics of shale gas in nanopores. AIP Advances 2017, 7(4), 045217.
2. Hao Yu, Jie Chen, YinBo Zhu*, FengChao Wang, HengAn Wu*. Multiscale transport mechanism of shale gas in micro/nano-pores. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2017, 111, 1172-1180. (学术引用159次)
1. 范竞存,余昊,陈杰,李向哲,王奉超,吴恒安. 非常规油气开采中的微纳米力学问题研究进展. 中国科学技术大学学报 2017, 47(2), 142-154.
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试油管柱仿真分析模拟软件,2024SR0405414 (软件著作权)
利用层理结构和微观力学性质评价页岩成缝能力的方法,ZL 2023 1 1335311.9(发明专利)
30th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES)(分会邀请报告), Singapore, “Fast and Accurate Calculation on Competitive Adsorption Behavior in Shale Nanopores by Machine Learning Model”, August 2024.
16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Canada, “Spatial and temporal constraints of the cohesive modeling: a unified criterion for fluid-driven fracture”, July 2024.
第三届相场模拟及相关方法国际会议(分会邀请报告),合肥,“Rate-dependent phase-field cohesive theory: A unified model for dynamic crack branching via Eshelby energy-flux integral”,2023年12月
The 9th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM), Rome Italy, “Pressure-dependent Transport Characteristic of Methane Gas in Slit Nanopores”, August 2018
18th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM), Chicago USA, “Multiscale Transport Mechanism of Shale Gas in Micro/Nano-porous Media”, June 2018
博士后创新人才支持计划 (2021)
中国科学院院长奖 (2021)
中国科学技术大学优秀博士学位论文奖 (2021)
安徽省力学学会优秀博士学位论文奖 (2021)
安徽省优秀毕业生 (2021)
博士研究生国家奖学金 (2020)
中国力学学会首届全国力学博士生学术论坛优秀报告奖 (2020)
第二届工程科学学院研究生学术年会杰出报告奖 (2020)
中科院材料力学行为与设计重点实验室学术年会杰出报告奖 (2019)
中国科学技术大学优秀助教 (2019)
硕士研究生国家奖学金 (2018)
蒋震奖学金 (2018)
兴全基金奖学金 (2017)
Research gate: