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Xu Xiao et al published their article in ACS Applied Energy Materials

Ultrafine Co-Doped NiO Nanoparticles Decorated on Carbon Nanotubes Improving the Electrochemical Performance and Cycling Stability of Li−CO2 Batteries
Inspired by the concept of high nickel and low cobalt content in the electrode material, ultrafine Co0.1Ni0.9Ox nanoparticles decorated on carbon nanotubes (Co0.1Ni0.9Ox/CNT) are first developed in this work. Through various characterization techniques, the effects of doping Co2+ cations on the properties and electrochemical performance are systematically studied. The results enlighten new ideas of fabricating high-performance and cost-effective electrode materials for prolonging the cycling life of Li-CO2 batteries toward practical applications
September 2021