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Pre One:2) 高级, 张海江, &秦臻. (2016). 不同观测方式下基于伴随矩阵的 2.5 D 全通道电阻率反演研究. 地球物理学进展, 31(6), 2534-2540.
Next One: 高级, &张海江. (2016). 基于交叉梯度交替结构约束的二维地震走时与全通道直流电阻率联合反演. 地球物理学报, 59(11), 4310-4322,, J., & Zhang, H. J. (2016). Two-dimensional joint inversion of seismic velocity and electrical resistivity using seismic travel times and full channel electrical measurements based on alternating cross-gradient structural constraint. Chinese Journal of Geophysics. (in Chinese), 59(11): 4310-4322.