35. A. Zouzias, M. Vlachos, and N. Freris, “Unsupervised Sparse Matrix Co-Clustering for Marketing and Sales Intelligence.” Proceedings of the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), pp. 591-603, May 2012.
上一条: 34. N. Freris and A. Zouzias, “Fast distributed smoothing of relative measurements.” Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 1411-1416, Dec. 2012.
下一条: 36. N. Freris, M. Vlachos, and S. Kozat, “Optimal Distance Estimation Between Compressed Data Series.” Proceedings of the 12th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), pp. 343-354, April 2012.