Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- Gender:
- Name (English):Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- Name (Pinyin):Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- E-Mail:
- Contact
- Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

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- Paper Publications
Omer, A.A.A.; Li, M.; Liu, X.; Liu, W.; Liu, Y.; Mukhtar, Y.M.F.; Ingenhoff, J.; Liu, W. The Effect of the Novel Agricultural Photovoltaic System on Water Evaporation Reduction and Sweet Potato Yield; Springer Nature Singapore, 2023; Vol. 2; ISBN 9789819926497.
Release time:2023-07-21 Hits:
- Indexed by:Article
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2023-05-11
- Included Journals:EI