Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- Gender:
- Name (English):Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- Name (Pinyin):Altyeb Ali Abaker Omer
- E-Mail:
- Contact
- Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

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- Paper Publications
Omer, A.A.A.; Mohamed Balh, H.B.; Liu, W.; Abas, A.; Yu, J.; Li, S.; Ma, W.; El Kolaly, W.; Ahmed Abuker, Y.Y. Nano-Texturing of Single Crystalline Silicon via Cu-Catalyzed Chemical Etching. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 2020, 14, 49–54.
Release time:2023-07-21 Hits:
- DOI number:10.5281/zenodo.3669226
- Indexed by:Article
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2020-01-31
- Included Journals:SCI