- Professor
- Name (Pinyin):bigongbing
- E-Mail:
- Contact Information:+86-551-63602343
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Professor
- Teacher College:Management
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- Paper Publications
- Optimal decisions and coordination strategy of a capital-constrained supply chain under customer return and supplier subsidy, Journal of Modelling in Management, 2018, 13(2): 278-301.
- Understanding and predicting academic performance through cloud computing adoption: a perspective of technology acceptance model, Journal of Computers in Education old, 2018, 5(3): 297-327.
- A New DEA-based Method for Fully Ranking All Decision Making Units, Expert Systems, 2010, 27(5): 363-373.
- Resource allocation and target setting for parallel production system based on DEA, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011, 35(9): 4270-4280.
- A Meta-analysis of Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship in E-Commerce: Sample and Measurement Characteristics as Moderators, Wireless Personal Communications, 2018, 103(1): 941-962.
- Measuring the Efficiency of Two-Stage Production Process in the Presence of Undesirable Outputs, Computational Economics, 2019, 54(4): 1343-1358.
- Corporate crisis management on social media: A morality violations perspective, Heliyon, 2020, 6(7).
- Upgrade strategies in the two-sided market: Updated strategy vs. derived strategy, INFOR+ (Information Systems and Opration Research), 2020, 58(4): 579-605.
- What are the effects of different tax policies on China's coal-fired power generation industry? An empirical research from a network slacks-based measure perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 2816-2827.
- Does supply chain finance improve SMEs performance? The moderating role of trade digitization, Business Process Management Journal, 2018, 26(1): 150-167.