Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-09-03
Pre One:Chen, P., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Sun, Q., Li, J., Wang, M., Niu, L., Cai, G.,* Teng, M.,* Li, X.* Crystal and EM structures of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthase I (PRS1) provide novel insights into the disease-associated mutations, PLos One, 2015.2.18, 10(3): e0120304
Next One:Wang, X., Sun, Q., Ding, Z., Ji, J., Wang, J., Kong, X., Yang J.H., and Cai, G.* Redefining the Modular Organization of the Core Mediator Complex. Cell Research, 2014. 24, 796-808 (Cover story).