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Date of Publication:2021-09-03
Pre One:6. Thanabalasuriar A, Scott BNV, Peiseler M, Willson ME, Zeng Z, Warrener P, Keller AE, et al., Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Confine Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ocular Biofilms and Restrict Brain Invasion. Cell host & microbe 2019, 25(4):526-536.
Next One:1. Zeng Z, Surwarrd BG,Wong CH, Guettler C, Petri B, Burkhard R, Wyss M, Moual HL, Devinney R, Thompson GC, Blackwood J, Joffe AR, McCoy KD, Jenne CN, Kubes P. Sex-hormone-driven innate antibodies protect females and infants against EPEC infection. Nature Immunology. 2018; 19: 1100-1111.