陈志波  (教授)




毕业院校:Tsinghua University

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04/09/2020: IMCL has achieved excellent results in both two tracks (I frame, P frame) of the CVPR-CLIC(Challenge on Learned Image Compression) competition: randked No.2 by MS-SSIM in I frame validation phase, No.4 by subjective testing in I frame testing phase, No.3 by MS-SSIM in P frame testing Phase.


  • 04/09/2020: IMCL has achieved excellent results in both two tracks (I frame, P frame) of the CVPR-CLIC(Challenge on Learned Image Compression) competition: randked No.2 by MS-SSIM in I frame validation phase, No.4 by subjective testing in I frame testing phase, No.3 by MS-SSIM in P frame testing Phase.

上一条: 04/14/2020: One paper "Blind Quality Assessment for Image Superresolution Using Deep Two-Stream Convolutional Networks" accepted by Information Science, Congratulation to Wei Zhou.

下一条: 03/19/2020: One paper "Learned Fast HEVC Intra Coding" accepted by IEEE TIP, Congratulation to Jun Shi.