陈志波  (教授)




毕业院校:Tsinghua University

当前位置: 中文主页 >> News

07/25/2020: One papers "Content-Adaptive Scale Interaction Networks for Scene Parsing" accepted by Neurocomputing, Congratulation to Xin Jin.


  • 07/25/2020: One papers "Content-Adaptive Scale Interaction Networks for Scene Parsing" accepted by Neurocomputing, Congratulation to Xin Jin.

上一条: 07/29/2020: Prof.Zhibo Chen was elected as Secretary (Chair-Elect) of Technical Committee of IEEE CAS Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC).

下一条: 07/20/2020: One paper "SASL: Saliency-Adaptive Sparsity Learning for Neural Network Acceleration" accepted by IEEE TCSVT, Congratulation to Jun Shi.