陈志波  (教授)




毕业院校:Tsinghua University

当前位置: 中文主页 >> News

07/04/2022: One paper "Image Coding for Machines with Omnipotent Feature Learning" accepted by ECCV, 2022, Congratulation to Ruoyu Feng.


  • 07/04/2022: One paper "Image Coding for Machines with Omnipotent Feature Learning" accepted by ECCV, 2022, Congratulation to Ruoyu Feng.

上一条: 07/05/2022: One paper "LIQA: Lifelong Blind Image Quality Assessment" accepted by IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Congratulation to Jianzhao Liu.

下一条: 06/28/2022: Two papers accepted by ACM Multimedia, 2022, Congratulation to Jun Fu and Xin Jin.