陈志波  (教授)




毕业院校:Tsinghua University

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07/08/2023: Announcement of IEEE CASS Visual Signal Processing and Communications Rising Star Program


    From 2023, IEEE CASS VSPC-TC will establish The Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC) Rising Star Program to annually recognize experts in emerging domains of visual signal processing and communications for his/her accomplishments and vision. Detail information can be found from “VSPC Rising Star” quick link on VSPC-TC website(https://ieee-cas.org/technical-committee/visual-signal-processing-and-communications-vspc).   

    The crucial information for the first Rising Star nomination in 2023 include: 

   1.Call for Nominations will be issued on July.10, 2023;

   2.All nominations should be sent to the VSPC TC Chair Prof.Zhibo Chen (chenzhibo@ustc.edu.cn) and Secretary Prof.Zhu Li (zhu.li@ieee.org) before Aug.30, 2023;

   3.Invitation to the rising star candidates will be issued on Oct.01, 2023;

   4.Rising Star candidates’ talks and selection will be held at VCIP 2023 (http://www.vcip2023.org/) from Dec.04 to Dec.07, 2023;

1.  Goal of Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC) Rising Star Program

    The Visual Signal Processing and Communications (VSPC) Rising Star program was established in 2023 by the IEEE CAS Society VSPC Technical Committee to yearly recognize experts in emerging domains of visual signal processing and communications for his/her accomplishments and vision.

    The Visual Signal Processing and Communications Rising Star will be presented annually at the VCIP conference where the selected candidates will be invited (with registration fees waived) to make a VSPC Rising Star talk, not shorter than 30 minutes, on their accomplishments and vision, and speak with VCIP attendees about the future of visual signal processing and communications research and applications. From the selected award candidates, one winner will finally get the award. In exceptional circumstances, there may be two winners at the same level. 

2.  Nomination Process

    The VSPC TC will make a Call for VSPC Rising Star nominations, which should be sent to the VSPC TC Chair and Secretary.

    The VSPC Rising Star Award is given to a visual signal processing and communications expert under the age of 40.

    The candidates must be nominated by at least two IEEE Fellows with relevant impact in the field of visual signal processing and communications, and the candidates should have published more than three papers in IEEE T-CSVT, JETCAS, ISCAS, and VCIP in the five years before.

    The nomination materials shall include a 2-page document describing the candidate and his/her achievements as well as at least two 1-page endorsement letters by IEEE Fellows with relevant impact in the field of visual signal processing and communications.

3.  Candidates Selection Process

    The nominations will be reviewed by a Visual Signal Processing and Communications Rising Star Award Selection Committee formed by the VSPC TC Chair, the VSPC TC Secretary, the VSPC TC Award Subcommittee Chairs, and at least three IEEE Fellows who are or have been part of the VSPC TC.

    The Selection Committee IEEE Fellow members are designated every year by the VSPC TC Chair by the end of July. The Selection Committee will be chaired by the VSPC TC Award Subcommittee Chairs.

    The Selection Committee will select at most three and at least two award candidates who will be invited to make a VSPC Rising Star talk at VCIP later in the year.

    The rising star may not be given in a specific year if the Selection Committee concludes that no nomination is up to the required level.

4.  Winner(s) Evaluation Process

    The rising star will be attributed to a single winner (or two under exceptional circumstances).

    The winner(s) evaluation is managed by the VSPC TC, which represents the diversity of topics in visual signal processing and communications following transparent procedures and criteria. In this process, multiple criteria will be considered, including:

a. Past academic and industrial achievements and publications;

b. Created and anticipated (academic and non-academic) impact of his/her work;

c. Professional service record;

d. Contributions to the future evolution of visual signal processing and communications;

e. Other pertinent accomplishments highlighted in the candidates' nomination materials;

f. Quality of the VCIP VSPC Rising Star talk.

    After the candidates’ VSPC Rising Star talks at VCIP, which should ideally happen on the first day, an Evaluation Committee will select the winner(s) using a majority vote. The Evaluation Committee will be chaired by the VSPC TC Chair and formed by the VSPC TC Secretary, the VSPC TC Award Subcommittee Chairs, the VCIP General and Technical Program Committee Chairs and the VSPC TC members present at VCIP. If the nominee is a VSPC TC member, he/she is not eligible to vote.

    The IEEE CAS Society and the VCIP Organizing Committee will present a certificate to the Visual Signal Processing and Communications Rising Star winner(s) at the VCIP Awards Ceremony.


上一条: 07/12/2023: Recently Two Papers accepted by IEEE TIP and ICCV 2023 separately, congratulation to Zongyu and Ruoyu

下一条: 03/02/2023: Zhizheng Zhang's Thesis "Research on Attention Mechanism for Neural Networks" won Best Ph.D Thesis Award of Anhui Province, congratulation to Zhizheng.