2010-02-01曾获荣誉当选:安徽省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖“Nonlinear friction compensation of a 20DOF planar parallel manipulator”,Weiwei Shang, Shuang Cong, Yaoxin Zhang
2010-02-01曾获荣誉当选:安徽省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,论文题目:“Lyapunov control methods of closed quantum systems”, 作者:匡森,丛爽,发表杂志《AUTOMATICA》
2012-10-01曾获荣誉当选:WISET ICROS Young Woman Researcher Award in 2012 12th International Conference Control. Automation and Systems (ICCAS2012), 2012.10, Jeju, Korea
2013-04-01曾获荣誉当选:安徽省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖: Weiwei. Shang, Shuang Cong, Yaoxin. Zhang, and Yanyang Liang,“Active Joint Syncgronization Control for a 2-DOF Redundantly Actuated Paralle Manipulator”
2015-12-28曾获荣誉当选:安徽省第八届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,论文题目:“Motion Control of Parallel Manipulators using Acceleration Feedback”,Shang, Weiwei; Cong, Shuang
2018-07-18曾获荣誉当选:"Best Paper Award in Adanced Robotics" on IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (IEEE ICARM 2018), July 18-20, 2018, Singapore
2018-08-22曾获荣誉当选:"Distinguished paper award" on 2018 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications (ICESA 2018), Aug. 22-24, 2018, Tokyo, Japan
2021-12-01曾获荣誉当选:An outstanding contribution to the quality of the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. (Excellence in Reviewing (2020-2021))
2018-07-18曾获荣誉当选:在新加坡举行的IEEE ICARM 2018大会上荣获“先进机器人最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award in Adanced Robotics)”
2018-08-22曾获荣誉当选:在日本东京举行的ICESA 2018会议上,荣获“杰出论文奖(Distinguished paper award)”
367. A. Decarli, S. Cong, D. Matacchioni, Dynamic Friction Compensation in Servo drives, 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 24-26, 1994, pp. 193-198