- Associate professor
- Name (Pinyin):dujun
- E-Mail:
- Contact Information:(+86)-0551-63603303
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Teacher College:School of information Science and Technology
Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- [2017] Tu Y H, Du J, Sun L, et al "LSTM-based iterative mask estimation and post-processing for multi-channel speech enhancement" , Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference APSIPA ASC IEEE, 2017: 488-491.
- [2017] Wen S X, Du J, Lee C H "On generating mixing noise signals with basis functions for simulating noisy speech and learning dnn-based speech enhancement models" , IEEE 27th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing MLSP IEEE, 2017: 1-6.
- [2017] Chai L, Du J, Wang Y "Gaussian density guided deep neural network for single-channel speech enhancement", IEEE 27th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing MLSP IEEE, 2017: 1-6.
- [2016] Tian Gao, Jun Du, Yong Xu, Cong Liu, Li-Rong Dai, Chin-Hui Lee, "Joint training of DNNs by incorporating an explicit dereverberation structure for distant speech recognition", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 20161 2016: 86.
- [2016] Jun Du, Yanhui Tu, Li-Rong Dai, Chin-Hui Lee, "A regression approach to single-channel speech separation via high-resolution deep neural networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 248 2016: 1424-1437.
- [2016] Tian Gao, Jun Du, Li-Rong Dai, and Chin-Hui Lee, “SNR-Based Progressive Learning of Deep Neural Network for Speech Enhancement,” , Proc INTERSPEECH, 2016, pp3713-3717.
- [2016] Yannan Wang, Jun Du, Li-Rong Dai and Chin-Hui Lee, "Unsupervised single-channel speech separation via deep neural network for different gender mixtures" Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference APSIPA, 2016 Asia-Pacific IEEE, 2016.
- [2016] Qing Wang, Jun Du and Li-Rong Dai, "Boosting DNN-based speech enhancement via explicit transformations", Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference APSIPA, 2016 Asia-Pacific IEEE, 2016.
- [2016] Jun Du, Zi-Rui Wang, Jian-Fang Zhai and Jin-Shui Hu, "Deep neural network based hidden markov model for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition", Pattern Recognition ICPR, 2016 23rd International Conference on IEEE, 2016.
- [2016] Nan Zhou and Jun Du, "Recognition of Social Touch Gestures Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks" , Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition Springer, Singapore, 2016.