Fan Anchuan
- Associate professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (English):Anchuan
- Name (Pinyin):Fan Anchuan
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- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Contact
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
- Teacher College:Humanities and Social Science
- Discipline:Archaeology
History of Science and Technology

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- Paper Publications
- Lai, Z. P.*, Fan, A. C., 2014, Examining quartz OSL age underestimation for loess samples from Luochuan in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochronometria (41), pp57.
- Zhang, X. X., Burton, J., Jin, Z. Y.*, Xiao, M. H., Fan, A. C., Xu, J. F. 2014. Isotope studies of human remains from Mayutian, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Archaeological Science (50), pp414.
- Wu, Y. J., Jin, Z. Y.*, Fan, A. C., Fang H. 2013, Firing temperature of a clay core sample in a bronze tripod from Daxinzhuang Site in China using TL techniques, Geochronometria (40), pp317.
- 汪海港,金正耀*,谢治,范安川,闫立峰,朱炳泉,王吉怀,2013,禹会遗址新石器晚期祭祀彩石的多种谱学方法研究,光谱学与光谱分析,卷33,页2305.
- 王道贤,谢治,张兴香,金正耀*,范安川,陈彪,2013,同步辐射 X 射线荧光技术应用于先商动物牙齿的微量元素分析,核技术,卷36,页101.
- 王倩倩,金正耀*,范安川,蒋志龙,2013,WDXRF和 FTIR对古滇国遗址陶器的初步分析,光谱实验室,卷6,页2763.
- Fan, A. C.*, Jin, Z. Y., Wu, Y. J. 2012, Estimate firing temperature of ancient ceramics using luminescence technique. Advances in ESR applications (29), pp24.
- Jin, Z. Y.*, Wu, Y. J., Li, G., Fan, A. C., Cheng, G. S., Yan, L. F. 2012, Luminescence determination of firing temperature of archaeological pure sand related to ancient Dian bronze casting, China. Quaternary Geochronology (10), pp387.
- Fan, A. C., Li, S.-H.*, Chen, Y.-G. 2012, Late Quaternary evolution of Lake Manas with constraints of OSL ages. Quaternary Geochronology (10), pp143.
- Fan, A. C., Li, S.-H.*, Li, B., 2011, Observation of unstable fast component in OSL of quartz. Radiation Measurements (46), pp21.