Barry B. Snider and Yonghong Gu "Total Synthesis of (-)- and (+)-Dysibetaine" Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 1761-1763.
上一条: Yonghong Gu and Barry B. Snider "Synthesis of ent-Haterumalide NA (ent-Oocydin A) Methyl Ester" Org. Lett. 2003, 5, 4385-4388.
下一条: Zhigang Wang, Yonghong Gu, Antonio J. Zapata and Gerald B. Hammond "An Improved Preparation of -Fluorinated Propargylphosphonates and the Solid Phase Synthesis of Hydroxy-TIPS Propargylphosphonate Ester" J. Fluorine. Chem. 2001, 107, 127-132.