- Engineer
- Name (Pinyin):hanyuli
- E-Mail:
- Administrative Position:工程师
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:教学行政楼1433
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Engineer
- Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
- Teacher College:Earth and Space Sciences
Contact Information
No content
- Research Projects
Release time:2021-07-24 Hits:
- Teaching and Research Group:地球化学与环境科学系
- Status:进行
- Classification of Project:预付合同
- Nature of Project:横向项目
- Supported by:企事业单位委托科技项目
- Project Number:KD1901250029
- Date of Project Approval:2018-03-01
- Scheduled completion time:2020-02-28
- Date of Project Initiation:2018-04-14
- Subsidy Amount:200.0