Associate professor
Administrative Position:高分子科学与工程系党总支书记
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Pre One: Sheng-Qi Chen, Chen He, Gang Song, Lian-Wei Li, Hui-Juan Li, Abdul Haleem, Wei-Dong He*, Kinetically controlled cyclization in step-growth polymerization of AB(2) macromonomer: Role of molar mass of macromonomer, Polymer 2020, 195, 122466.
Next One: Chuan-Shan Hu, Hui-Juan Li, Jia-Yun Wang, Abdul Haleem, Xi-Chuan Li, Muhammad Siddiq, Wei-Dong He*, Mushroom-Like rGO/PAM Hybrid Cryogels with Efficient Solar-Heating Water Evaporation,ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 7554-7563.