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[14]Longhua Hu*, Long Wu, Shuai Liu, Flame length elongation behavior of medium hydrocarbon pool fires in cross air flow, Fuel 111, 2013, 613-620
Release time:2021-07-05  Hits:
Translation or Not: no
Date of Publication: 2021-09-03
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[13]L.H.Hu*, F. Tang, Q. Wang, Z.W. Qiu, Burning characteristics of conduction-controlled rectangular hydrocarbon pool fires in a reduced pressure atmosphere at high altitude in Tibet, Fuel 111 (2013) 298-304
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[15]Longhua Hu*, Qiang Wang, Michael Delichatsios, Fei Tang, Xiaochun Zhang, Shouxiang Lu, Flame height and lift-off of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in a reduced pressure atmosphere, Fuel 109 (2013) 234-240