- Gender:
- Name (English):Ning Jiang
- Name (Pinyin):jiangning
- E-Mail:jnac@ustc.edu.cn
- Business Address:物质科研楼C栋1010-4
- Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

- ZipCode:230026
- PostalAddress:安徽省合肥市金寨路96号中科大东区物质科研楼C栋1010-4
- Email:jnac@ustc.edu.cn
- Paper Publications
An Extraordinary Response of Iron Emission to the Central Outburst in a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate
Release time:2023-01-25 Hits:
- Journal:The Astrophysical Journal
- First Author:He, Z. C.
- Correspondence Author:Jiang, N.
- Volume:907
- Issue:2
- Page Number:L29
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2021-02-01
- Included Journals:SCI