贾晓峰 Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


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Xiaofeng Jia(*) and Lu Yang, 2017, A memory-efficient staining algorithm in 3D seismic modelling and imaging, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 143: 62-73.

Release time:2021-07-26
The staining algorithm has been proven to generate high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) images in poorly illuminated areas in two-dimensional cases. In the staining algorithm, the stained wavefield relevant to the target area and the regular source wavefield forward propagate synchronously. Cross-correlating these two wavefields with the backward propagated receiver wavefield separately, we obtain two images: the local image of the target area and the conventional reverse time migration (RTM) image. This imaging process costs massive computer memory for wavefield storage, especially in large scale three-dimensional cases. To make the staining algorithm applicable to three-dimensional RTM, we develop a method to implement the staining algorithm in three-dimensional acoustic modelling in a standard staggered grid finite difference (FD) scheme. The implementation is adaptive to the order of spatial accuracy of the FD operator. The method can be applied to elastic, electromagnetic, and other wave equations. Taking the memory requirement into account, we adopt a random boundary condition (RBC) to backward extrapolate the receiver wavefield and reconstruct it by reverse propagation using the final wavefield snapshot only. Meanwhile, we forward simulate the stained wavefield and source wavefield simultaneously using the nearly perfectly matched layer (NPML) boundary condition. Experiments on a complex geologic model indicate that the RBC-NPML collaborative strategy not only minimizes the memory consumption but also guarantees high quality imaging results. We apply the staining algorithm to three-dimensional RTM via the proposed strategy. Numerical results show that our staining algorithm can produce high S/N images in the target areas with other structures effectively muted.
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