
  • 副教授 博士生导师
  • 电子邮箱:xjia@ustc.edu.cn
  • 联系方式:0551-63607063
  • 学位:博士




Congcong Yuan, Xiaofeng Jia(*), Shishuo Liu and Jie Zhang, 2018, Microseismic reverse time migration with a multi-cross-correlation staining algorithm for fracture imaging, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 149: 95-104.


摘要:Accurate characterization of hydraulic fracturing zones is currently becoming increasingly important in production optimization, since hydraulic fracturing may increase the porosity and permeability of the reservoir significantly. Recently, the feasibility of the reverse time migration (RTM) method has been studied for the application in imaging fractures during borehole microseismic monitoring. However, strong low-frequency migration noise, poorly illuminated areas, and the low signal to noise ratio (SNR) data can degrade the imaging results. To improve the quality of the images, we propose a multi-cross-correlation staining algorithm to incorporate into the microseismic reverse time migration for imaging fractures using scattered data. Under the modified RTM method, our results are revealed in two images: one is the improved RTM image using the multi-cross-correlation condition, and the other is an image of the target region using the generalized staining algorithm. The numerical examples show that, compared with the conventional RTM, our method can significantly improve the spatial resolution of images, especially for the image of target region.
