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Xiaolong Guo, Liuyi Ling, Chenchen Yang, Zhaoqiong Li, Liang Liang. Optimal pricing strategy based on market segmentation for service products using online reservation systems: An application to hotel rooms[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2013, 35: p274–281
Release time:2021-08-12  Hits:
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Xiaolong Guo, Xiabing Zheng, Liuyi Ling, Chenchen Yang. Online coopetition between hotels and online travel agencies: From the perspective of cash back after stay[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2014, 12: p104–112
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Xiaolong Guo, Liuyi Ling, Yufeng Dong, Liang Liang. Cooperationcontract in tourism supply chains: The optimal pricing strategy of hotels for cooperative third party strategic websites. Annals of Tourism Research, 2013, 41: p20-41