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- [11] Ling liuyi, Guo Xiaolong, He Lina. Optimal pricing strategy of hotel for long-term stay [J]. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2012,17(1): p72-86.
- [12] Liuyi Ling, Xiaolong Guo,Liang Liang. Optimal Pricing Strategy of Hotel for Cooperative Travel Agency[A].The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE)[C], Dec. 11th, 2009,Wuhan, China.
- [13] Ling Liuyi, He Lina, Liang Liang. Coordination for the travel package of flight and accommodation. E -Business and E -Government (ICEE), 2011, Shanghai,China.
- [14] Feng Yang, Liuyi Ling, Qinglong Gou. Olympics Performance Evaluation and Competition Strategy based on Data Envelopment Analysis[A]. The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE)[C], Dec. 11th, 2009,Wuhan,China.
- [15] Feng Yang, Liang Liang, Gongbing Bi and Liuyi Ling. Ranking all Decision Making Units based on Their Elementary Difference[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009, 20(4): p732-740.
- [16] Liuyi Ling, Liang Liang, Xu-jin Pu. ATC Based Coordination of Distributed Production Planning and Supplier Selection[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, 182(2): p1154–1168.
- [17] 凌六一, 董鸿翔, 梁 樑. 从政府补贴的角度分析垄断的绿色产品市场[J]. 运筹与管理, 2012,21(5): 139-144.
- [18] 凌六一, 胡中菊, 郭晓龙, 梁 樑. 单一市场和组合市场下的“公司加农户”交易模式分析[J]. 系统管理学报, 2012, 21(3): 289-294.
- [19] 凌六一, 胡中菊, 郭晓龙. 随机产出和随机需求下“农超对接”模式的分析与协调[J]. 系统工程, 2011, 09: 36-40.
- [20] 凌六一,郭晓龙,胡中菊,梁 樑. 基于随机产出与随机需求的农产品供应链风险共担合同[J]. 中国管理科学, 2013, 21(2): p50-57.