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- [11] Hu, XM, Xing, WB, Liu, BH, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Erker, P, Huber, M.Efficient Generation of High-Dimensional Entanglement through Multipath Down-Conversion.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2020,12590503.
- [12] Guo, Y, Yu, BC, Hu, XM, Liu, BH, Wu, YC, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC.Measurement-device-independent quantification of irreducible high-dimensional entanglement.npj Quantum Inform.,2020,652.
- [13] Guo, Y, Hu, XM, Hou, ZB, Cao, H, Cui, JM, Liu, BH, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Chiribella, G.Experimental Transmission of Quantum Information Using a Superposition of Causal Orders.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2020,12430502.
- [14] Hu, XM, Zhang, C, Liu, BH, Cai, Ye, XJ, Y, Xing, WB, CX, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC.Experimental High-Dimensional Quantum Teleportation.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2020,125230501.
- [15] Guo, Y, Cheng, SM, Hu, XM, Liu, BH, EM, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Cavalcanti, EG.Experimental Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Steering and Randomness Generation Beyond Qubits.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2019,123170402.
- [16] Zhao, YY, Xiang, GY, Hu, XM, Liu, BH, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Schwonnek, Wolf, R.Entanglement Detection by Violations of Noisy Uncertainty Relations: A Proof of Principle.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2019,122220401.
- [17] Hu, XM, Liu, BH, Y, Xiang, GY, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Kleinmann, M, Vertesi, T, Cabello, A.Observation of Stronger-than-Binary Correlations with Entangled Photonic Qutrits.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2018,120180402.
- [18] Hu, XM, Y, Liu, BH, Huang, YF, Li, CF, Guo, GC.Beating the channel capacity limit for superdense coding with entangled ququarts.Sci. Adv.,2018,4eaat9304.
- [19] Liu, BH, Hu, XM, Chen, JS, Huang, YF, Han, YJ, Li, CF, Guo, GC, Cabello, A.Nonlocality from Local Contextuality.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2016,117220402.
- [20] Hu, XM, Chen, JS, Liu, BH, Y, Huang, YF, Zhou, ZQ, Han, YJ, Li, CF, Guo, GC.Experimental Test of Compatibility-Loophole-Free Contextuality with Spatially Separated Entangled Qutrits.Phys. Rev. Lett.,2016,117170403.