Cheng-Wu Liu#, Andrew Breakspear#, Dian Guan, Marion R. Cerri, Kirsty Jackson, Suyu Jiang, Fran Robson, Guru V. Radhakrishnan, Sonali Roy, Caitlin Bone, Nicola Stacey, Christian Rogers, Martin Trick, Andreas Niebel, Giles E. D. Oldroyd, Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel, Jeremy D. Murray*. NIN acts a network hub controlling a growth module required for rhizobial infection. Plant Physiology 179(4):1704-1722 (2019). doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01572. (# 共同一作)
上一条:Cheng-Wu Liu, Andrew Breakspear, Nicola Stacey, Kim Findlay, Jin Nakashima, Karunakaran Ramakrishnan, Miaoxia Liu, Fang Xie, Gabriella Endre, Fernanda de Carvlho-Niebel, Giles E. D. Oldroyd, Michael K. Udvardi, Joëlle Fournier*, Jeremy D. Murray*. A protein complex required for polar growth of rhizobial infection threads. Nature Communications 10(1):2848(2019). doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10029-y.
下一条:Andrew Breakspear#, Chengwu Liu#, Sonali Roy, Nicola Stacey, Christian Rogers, Martin Trick, Giulia Morieri, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Jiangqi Wen, Giles E. D. Oldroyd, J. Allan Downie, Jeremy D. Murray. The root hair infectome of Medicago truncatula uncovers changes in cell cycle genes and reveals a requirement for auxin signaling in rhizobial infection. Plant Cell 26(12):4680-701 (2014). (#共同一作;ESI 高被引论文)