[3] Falin Liu (刘发林), A Unified Approach to the Analysis of a Category of H-plane Discontinuities,” International Journal of Infrared & mm-waves, 19(8), pp1103-1112, Aug. 1998.
Journal:International Journal of Infrared & mm-waves
Key Words:Microwave CAD, Waveguide H-plane discontinuities,
Generalized scattering parameters, Port-connection order-decrease method.
Abstract:Based on the mode matching method, the generalized scattering
parameters including the fundamental and higher order modes (multi-modes) are obtained for the discontinuity interface of a category of waveguide H-plane discontinuities. Then by using a general port-connection order-decrease method raised by the author, the whole discontinuity including the two interfaces and the intermediate part of finite length or zero length (as is the case for very thin inductive windows or irises) can be combined into one network, and the generalized scattering parameters of this network can be obtained from which the scattering parameters of the fundamental mode can be extracted. If needed, the equivalent circuit parameters can be calculated directly from the scattering
parameters. Examples are given to show the validity and versatility of this new method for dielectric filled waveguide, inductive iris and/or window, E-plane metal and/or finline insert, and even the offset E-plane finline insert, etc.. Multiple inserts, windows and irises can also be analysed.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Type:J
Page Number:1103-1112
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:1998-08-25
Included Journals:SCI