G. H. Liu, J. M. Hu, G. Y. Zhang, S. Y. Liu* “Rationally Engineering Phototherapy Modules of Eosin-Conjugated Responsive Polymeric Nanocarriers via Intracellular Endocytic pH Gradients” Bioconjugate Chem. 2015, 26, 1328-1338 (Invited Article in the "Biofunctional Biomaterials – The 3rd Generation of Medical Devices" Special Issue) (ACS Editors' Choice Article) (Monthly and Yearly Most Read Article, as of Nov 2015) (Selected into the cross-journal ACS Select Virtual Issue entitled “Polymer Bioconjugates in Biology and Medicine”).
Pre One: S. D. Tian, G. H. Liu, X. R. Wang, T. Wu, J. X. Yang, X. D. Ye, G. Y. Zhang, J. M. Hu*, S. Y. Liu* “pH-Regulated Reversible Transition Between Polyion Complexes (PIC) and Hydrogen Bonding Complexes (HBC) with Tunable Aggregation-Induced Emission” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 3693-3702 (Invited Article in the “Applied Materials and Interfaces in China Forum” Special Issue).
Next One: X. L. Hu*, Y. Li, T. Liu, G. Y. Zhang*, S. Y. Liu* “Intracellular Cascade FRET for Temperature Imaging of Living Cells with Polymeric Ratiometric Fluorescent Thermometers” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 15551-15560