S. Y. Liu* “Digital Dendrimer: A New Horizon of Information-Containing Polymers” Sci. China Chem. 2019, 62, 925-926 (Highlight).
Pre One: C. Z. Yao, X. R. Wang, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu* “Cooperative Modulation of Bilayer Permeability and Microstructures of Polymersomes” Acta Polym. Sinica 2019, 50, 553-566.
Next One: Z. Y. Deng, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu* “Disulfide-Based Self-Immolative Linkers and Functional Bioconjugates for Biological Applications” Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2020, 41, 1900531 (Invited Review Article).