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Wen Liu, Lei Wang, Ning Zhou, Yiwen Zhang, Fei Qiu, and Zhimou Xu "DWDM DFB LD fabricated by nanoimprint process", Proc. SPIE 7927, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics IV, 79270W (14 February 2011)
发布时间:2024-07-13 点击次数:

发表刊物:Proc. SPIE

摘要:DFB LDs are key components in DWDM optical network. Now they are very expensive because the feedback grating period has to be controlled with very high accuracy and EBL is currently the most popular solution. We propose a high throughput, low cost NIL process based on a large stamp fabricated by SFIL and soft stamp pattern transfer method. DFB chips on 30mm*30mm area were manufactured with both good uniformity and performance. 13 ITU channels from 1540nm to 1560nm of 200GHz space are made. Our results show NIL has high potential to become another popular technology for DFB LD production, this cost effective and high efficiency manufacture solution may yield a significant impact to the future optical communication industry development.




