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    • 教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
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    • 职务:国家同步辐射实验室副主任
    • 办公地点:安徽省合肥市蜀山区合作化南路42号中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室3号楼319
    • 联系方式:0551-63602078
    • 2021年国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才
    • 2020年江苏省双创团队领军人才
    • 2014年中国科学院“引进海外杰出人才(A类)”
    • 2014年上海市浦江人才




    In situ formation of a bifunctional interlayer enabled by a conversion reaction to initiatively prevent lithium dendrites in a garnet solid electrolyte



    发表刊物:Energy Environ Sci.


    摘要:Adopting inorganic solid electrolytes (ISEs) is a promising approach to assemble batteries using Li metal anodes because of their superior Li-ion conductivity and high mechanical strength. This approach greatly improves the energy density and the safety of batteries. However, lithium dendrites still can pierce the bare ISE because of inhomogeneous current distributions at interfaces, leading to serious short circuits. This work proposes to reduce the interfacial resistance and prevent lithium dendrite growth simultaneously through in situ formation of interlayers enabled by a conversion reaction of MoS2 layers coated on a bare Li6.5La3Zr1.5Ta0.5O12 (LLZO) pellet. The interfacial resistance is reduced to only 14 cm(2), with the overpotential decreasing notably. The critical current density of cells is improved from 0.7 mA cm(-2) to 2.2 mA cm(-2). Furthermore, short circuits are significantly suppressed above the critical current density with the potential diverging quickly. The cell can be recovered to some extent by applying an inverse potential for a short time. The comparison between XPS and XAS measurements reveals that the nanoscale thin MoS2 layer in contact with the Li anode can be converted into an interlayer composed of Mo and Li2S through the conversion reaction. The sluggish kinetics of the conversion reaction resulting from the poor electronic conductivity makes the in situ-formed interlayer kinetically stable, which can hinder further reaction of MoS2 with Li effectively. Moreover, the in situ reaction could suppress the local tip electric field effect efficiently and make the current distribution more even. This study provides a new strategy to optimize the interface of anodes by screening for more candidates which undergo a conversion reaction.

    第一作者:Jiamin Fu

    合写作者:Pengfei Yu, Nian Zhang, GuoXi Ren, Shun Zheng, Wencheng Huang, Xinghui Long, Hong Li

    通讯作者:Xiaosong Liu






