Associate professor
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Date of Publication:2021-09-03
Pre One:5. Tao, Y., Li, X., Liu, Y., Ruan, J., Qi, S., Niu, L., and Teng, M. (2012) Structural analysis of Shu proteins reveals a DNA binding role essential for resisting damage, J BiolChem 287, 20231-20239. (共第一作者)
Next One:3. Liu, H., Wang, H., Teng, M., and Li, X. (2014) The multiple nucleotide-divalent cation binding modes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CK2alpha indicate a possible co-substrate hydrolysis product (ADP/GDP) release pathway, ActaCrystallogr D BiolCrystallogr 70, 501-513. (通讯作者)