Peng Miao
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- [51] Xiaoyi Ma, Xifeng Chen, Yuguo Tang, Ruhong Yan*, Peng Miao*.Triple-input molecular AND logic gates for sensitive detection of multiple miRNAs.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2019,11,41157-41164.
- [52] Yiting Jiang, Xiaoyi Ma, Xuejun Shao, Mingyuan Wang, Yu Jiang⁎, Peng Miao*.Chameleon silver nanoclusters for ratiometric sensing of miRNA.Sens. Actuators, B,2019,297,126788.
- [53] Hua Chai, Wenbo Cheng, Lei Xu, Huiqiang Gui, Jinlin He*, Peng Miao*.Fabrication of polymeric ferrocene nanoparticles for electrochemical aptasensing of protein with target-catalyzed hairpin assembly.Anal. Chem.,2019,91,9940-9945.
- [54] Dawei Yang, Qian Mei, Yuguo Tang, Peng Miao*.A ratiometric electrochemical assay for human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase amplified by hybridization chain reaction.Electrochem. Commun.,2019,103,37-41.
- [55] Yiting Jiang, Yuguo Tang, Peng Miao*.Polydopamine nanosphere@silver nanoclusters for fluorescence detection of multiplex tumor markers.Nanoscale,2019,11,8119-8123.
- [56] Xiaoyi Ma, Peng Miao*.Silver nanoparticle@DNA tetrahedron-based colorimetric detection of HIV-related DNA with cascade strand displacement amplification.J. Mater. Chem. B,2019,7,2608-2612.
- [57] Hua Chai, Peng Miao*.Bipedal DNA walker based electrochemical genosensing strategy.Anal. Chem.,2019,91,4953-4957.
- [58] Xifeng Chen#, Wei Chen#, Longhai Tang, Wei Hu, Mingyuan Wang*, Peng Miao*.Electrochemical impedance spectroscopic analysis of nucleic acids through DNA tetrahedron self-walking machine.Electrochem. Commun.,2019,101,1-5.
- [59] Fanyu Meng, Hua Chai, Xiaoyi Ma, Yuguo Tang, Peng Miao*.FRET investigation toward DNA tetrahedron-based ratiometric analysis of intracellular telomerase activity.J. Mater. Chem. B,2019,7,1926-1932.
- [60] Hua Chai, Jiarui Xu, Jianhua Xu, Shaohua Ding, Yuguo Tang, Peng Miao*.Star trigon structure-aided DNA walker for amplified electrochemical detection of DNA.Electrochem. Commun.,2019,99,51-55.