"High-efficiency Cooper-pair splitter in quantum anomalous Hall insulator proximity-coupled with superconductor", Ying-Tao Zhang, Xinzhou Deng, Qing-Feng Sun and Zhenhua Qiao* (*corresponding author), Scientific Reports 5, 14892 (2015)
Pre One:"Transmission spectra and valley processing of graphene and carbon nanotube superlattices with inter-valley coupling", FumingXu, Zhizhou Yu, Yafei Ren, Bin Wang, Yadong Wei*, and Zhenhua Qiao* (*corresponding author), New Journal of Physics 18, 113011 (2016)
Next One:"The positive piezoconductive effect in graphene", Kang Xu, Ke Wang, Wei Zhao, Wenzhong Bao, Erfu Liu, Yafei Ren, Miao Wang, Yajun Fu, Junwen Zeng, Zhaoguo Li, Wei Zhou, Fengqi Song, Xinran Wang, Yi Shi, Xiangang Wan, Michael S. Fuhrer, Baigeng Wang, Zhenhua Qiao*, Feng Miao and Dingyu Xing (*corresponding author), Nature Communications 6, 8119 (2015)