"Spin-polarized edge modes and snake states in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells under an antisymmetric magnetic field", Ying-Tao Zhang, Feng Zhai, Zhenhua Qiao, and Qingfeng Sun, Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 86, 121403 (2012)
上一条: "Topological phases in gated bilayer graphene: Effects of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange field", Zhenhua Qiao, Xiao Li, Wang-Kong Tse, Hua Jiang, and Qian Niu, Physical Review B 87, 125405 (2013)
下一条: "Stabilizing topological phases in graphene via random adsorption", Hua Jiang*, Zhenhua Qiao*, Haiwen Liu, Junren Shi, and Qian Niu (*corresponding author), Physical Review Letters 109, 116803 (2012)