“Ferroelectric Control of Electrical Transport in CdS Nanotetrapods”, Wangyang Fu,Shengyong Qin, Lei Liu, Tae-Hwan Kim, Sondra Hellstrom, Wenlong Wang, Wenjie Liang, Xuedong Bai, An-Ping Li, and Enge Wang,Nano Letters 11, 1913 (2011)
发布时间:2021-07-26 点击次数:次
上一条:“Nanochannel-Directed Growth of One-Dimensional Multi-Segment Heterojunctions of Metallic Au1-xGex and Semiconducting Ge”, Xiangdong Li, Guowen Meng,Shengyong Qin, Qiaoling Xu, Zhaoqin Chu, Xiaoguang Zhu, Mingguang Kong, and An-Ping Li,ACS Nano 6, 831 (2012)
下一条:"Quantum size effects on the work function of metallic thin film nanostructures”, Jungdae Kim,Shengyong Qin, Wang Yao, Qian Niu, M. Y. Chou, and Chih-Kang Shih,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 12761 (2010)