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Song Shao

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

Y. Gutman, W. Huang, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Almost sure convergence of the multiple ergodic average for certain weakly mixing systems, Acta Math Sinica, 2018 Vol. 34 (1): 79-90


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Links to published journals:

Pre One:W. Huang, Z. Lian, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Sequences from zero entropy noncommutative toral automorphisms and Sarnak Conjecture. J. Differential Equations , 263 (2017), no. 1, 779--810

Next One:W. Huang, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Topological correspondence of multiple ergodic averages of nilpotent group actions, J. Anal. Math. 138 (2019), no. 2, 687–715