W. Huang, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Higher order almost automorphy, recurrence sets and the regionally proximal relation, preprint, 2011. pdf * The above two paper are put into one paper entitiled "Nil Bohr-sets and almost automorphy of higher order", Memoirs of the AMS, volume 241, Number 1143, 2016
上一条:W. Huang, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Nil Bohr0-sets, Poincare recurrence and generalized polynomials, preprint, 2011
下一条:Z. Lian, S. Shao and X.D. Ye, Weakly mixing, proximal topological models for ergodic systems and applications, Fundamenta Mathematicae,236 (2017), no. 2, 161--185