Jiajia Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Bin Wang, Chijian Liao, Chenglong Shen, Huinan Zheng, Bin Miao, Zhenpeng Su, and S. Wang, Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves Observed above Quiet-Sun Region in a Dark Cavity, Astrophys. J., 758, L26, 2012
Pre One: Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang*, Shui Wang, Ying Liu, Rui Liu, Angelos Vourlidas, Bin Miao, Pinzhong Ye, Jiajia Liu, and Zhenjun Zhou, Super-elastic Collision of Large-scale Magnetized Plasmoids in The Heliosphere, Nature Physics, 8, 923-928,DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2440, 2012 (Cover Article)
Next One: Kai Liu, Yuming Wang, Chenglong Shen, and Shui Wang, Critical Height for the Destabilization of Solar Prominences: Statistical Results from STEREO Observations, Astrophys. J., 744, 168, 2012